Part 5

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Next morning Mick woke up & looked over at his bed see whitney still sleeping peacefully he decided not wake her & just let her sleep. He went had a shower & make himself a cup tea he sat himself down at kitchen table & started reading the paper. Bout 20 mins later Whit appeared in kitchen door way, " Morning, Sorry I slept in,  I'll get myself dressed & give you a hand on bar today if you like?" don't be silly & its fine take the day off its fine. sit down & ill make you nice cuppa tea, do u want me make u some toast or anything? No its fine honestly, Where is everyone? Shirley is still away, Tina is gone visit her daughter again & tracey be in soon start her shift. mick gave whit her tea & sat down across from her, " mick, um bout last night I just want say how greatful I am, it meant a lot to me so thank you. " its fine don't worry, how u feeling today? " yeah I'm okay hopefully the police catch him soon 7 I can get on with my life. " you gunna see Tiff today or stacey?" ' I might ask Stace come over her if thats okay? I just don't want tiff see me like this. " Of cause babe no problem.  after whit drank her tea she went for shower & put some fresh clothes on & fixed her hair she felt bit better but still not herself.  Mick told her he'd come check on her later.  so she  decided to thank him she'd make him his favourite lunch "FishPie" as she was getting everything ready she didn't hear Mick coming up stairs & into the kitchen. Mick walked up to side of her & she could hear foot steps she suddenly grabbed hold of a small knife & turned towards him. " BACK OFF" Mick looked horrified. WHITNEY ITS OKAY ITS JUST ME! Whitney couldnt Believe what she just did. OMG! IM SO SORRY MICK I THOUGHT YOU WAS! "Its okay whit give the knife to me. whitney gave him the knife & she started crying not knowing what to do for the best Mick tried to tell her its okay & everything would be okay. finally she stopped crying & told mick again how sorry she was, he asked her what she was doing & she told him she was in middle of cooking some lunch & she didn't hear him come in & thats what made her react way she did. After seeing whitney was finally okay & shed gone back to cooking herself some lunch as he didn't know it was really surprise for him he went back help trace. Stacey arrived see whitney & mick told her go on up after whitney told stacey everything that happened & she didn't want tiff knowing anything & would she mind keeping a eye on her until later as she told her she cooking  a thank you lunch for mick & she was more than happy to help out whenever & however she could. After stacey left whitney was ready to surprise Mick with some lunch although she didn't feel like going down to bar cos she  still felt on edge from what happen earlier so instead she sent mick a txt knowing he always had his mobile in his pocket. "please can u come upstairs if u aint busy?"  She sent the text & waited for him 10 mins went pass & there was no sigh of him she guessed he must be busy down there so she thought shed leave it another 10mins & send me another text but still nothing. As she made her way slowly down to bar she seen him stood at bar laughing & joking with some woman suddenly she got a stab of jealousy & hurt she turn around & went back upstairs & into the kitchen. She knew deep down she would always love mick but they had both moved on put whatever it was between them in pass. She looked at food & table she set up all nice for him & thought to herself how stupid & desperate do I look? Here I am just almost been raped by my ex boyfriend & here I am again trying get with mick & he will never love me or wanna me with me ever. she went to draw took out pen & notepad & wrote on there " SORRY FOR GETTING IN YOUR WAY. WHIT" She left note on table & went into the bedroom collected her things & slowly made her way downstairs & after giving mick who last look she walked out back door. 

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