Part 4

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The police officer asked whitney if she would come to station to give them a statement & to be examed by one the team, whitney didn't want to but she knew she had to if she wanted Halfway caught & behind bars. Yes okay ill go but please can Mick come with me? Mick looked at Whitney & asked him would he mind coming with her he slowly went put his arm on her shoulder but the officer told him not to touch her, he looked at officer & asked her why? they told him cos they needed check whit over first & if he touched her it would show much & he'd be one in trouble. instead Mick looked at whitney & told her he be with her every step way. The officer told whitney bring a change clothes so she could change into once she's given her clothes over to be check, Mick said he'd go & fetch her pair pjs once he got back they made there way to the police car. As whitney walked outside she was so nerves she kept looking over her shoulder thinking Halfway was outside in dark waiting for her, Mick was right beside her so she did feel a little bit after knowing well he's with her nobody could hurt her. Once they arrived at station the officer told Mick wait here while whitney was seen to & then they'd come & fetch him once she was ready talk to the police. whitney looked at Mick & he smiled at her told her everything be okay 7 he wasn't going anywhere with her. as she walked off he sat there waiting for her, he felt sick to the stomach knowing there was nothing he could do to help her. how did he allow this to happen to her? He blamed himself cos if he hadn't been so stupid last year things could've been so different between them & this wouldn't happened to her. Whitney took off her clothes & got into her pjs after being check over by police then she was taken to a room with a video camera recoding her & a officer sat on sofa ready take her stament. Whitney sat there trying not shake but she couldn't help it, the officer told her take her time & she's okay. whitney told them how halfway & her got on fine they was Hppy but once Stuart arrived thing changed. he tried spitting him n her but by saying whitney kissed him n also mick last year. whitney told the police officer the only reason she didtell halfway because she didn't think he needed to know seeing as they wasn't together or even know each other at that point. she went on tell him how her & mick was moment of madness & they both moved on & mick loves linda. she told them that halfway asked her did mick still mean anything to me & at first yes I did lie I told him he didn't & that me n mick are in the pass now, but halfway told me he heard me & mick talking few weeks back when we both said we still had feelings for each other but we knew we couldn't do anything bout it. she went on tell the officer that halfway confronted her tonight after her shift finished & they went upsrais to talk & thats when halfway lost it telling me he knew the truth & for me tell him the truth so I did. I went leave s I told him was over between us cos he couldn't let it go after I went leave he grabbed my arm told me I wasn't going anywhere. I told him let go me & he pushed me onto sofa & started yelling in my face, I scream at him get off me but he wouldn't listen & kept saying no one can hear u or was gunna save me. what felt like forever the living room door opened and mick came in & pulled him off me.  the officer asked whit what happened next? whitney told them how halfway was slagging her off & how mick didn't feel anything for me, when he slagged me off mick punched him & told him to leave the vic & he did. after that I sat on sofa & mick told me call the police at first I didn't want to but then I thought to myself I need to I have to cos he could do this to someone else. the officer thanked whitney & told her she could go home now if she wants to, as whitney walked out into waiting room mick stood up & walked over to her. u okay? yeah I'm okay I just wanna go home, okay come on ill take u. together they walked to his car & once back at vic whitney asked mick would it be okay for her stay as she didn't wanted stacey or tiff know what happened yet. he told her she could & they went inside 

whitney asked mick was okay sleep in her old room as she didn't wanna sleep on sofa, he said that was fine & as she walked towards her old bedroom witch is also now halfway old room all his stuff was inside & whitney couldn't bring herself sleep in there. mick seen her standing outside the bedroom door & soft said to her listen u can have my bed if u want ill sleep on settee. whitney looked at him & smiled u sure? cause come on, she walked towards his bedroom but again stood in doorway mick told her everything was going be okay & gave her little rub on her shoulder. whitney looked at mick & said mick I know I shouldnt be asking u this & I understand if u say no but would u mind staying with me? I mean could u sleep in the chair next to the bed I just don't wanna be on my own. please? mick looked at whitney & gave her little smile of cause babe no problem as whitney walked into his bedroom & climbed into his bed mick walked round the other side & with his clothes still on he sat on the sofa beside the bed, Here have a pillow & the blanket. oh thanks babe u sure? yeah, and mick thank you for doing this means a lot. no worries try & get some sleep I'm here your safe & I promise I aint going nowhere. whitney smiled at him & they both fell asleep. 

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