Chapter 3: Makuta

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Today has been a fun day. I woke up bright and early so I had more of the day to have some fun! I made some plans with a close friend of mine to go to this massive party. Turns out it was totally packed in there so I freaked a little. I ended up just sitting to the side enjoying the food in my cute little pastel pink crop top with my black tank top underneath and my pastel green shorts. My friend had fun though, so that must've been nice for her. I put my headphones in and decided to leave. Turns out the streets were empty so I could have some fun to myself. I just put on some BTS and danced down the street. Sorta having my own party. Until I bumped into someone. He was cute. Very cute. He had the most adorable wolf ears, they looked SO FLOOFY. I didn't see him for long. He seemed upset... angry even. Let's just say the vibes were bad from him. I couldn't see his face that well, my bunny ears got in the way. 

Hurriedly getting up off the ground, I sorta just ran off, my earphones falling on the floor. I didn't go back for them. That would just be awkward so I just ran back to my flat and then text my friend about him. Even though I'll never see him again. He was just a stranger. But I lay awake at night thinking about him. HE WAS SO CUTE!

Liam x MakutaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin