Chapter 4: Liam

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I was in such anger. I had to get out of there. That was my limit. It was our first "date" and he tried all that shit?! What the fuck?! Who the fuck even does that?! I march down the street, wanting to get as far from that place as possible. I can't believe someone would do that?! Turning the corner, I look ahead and see some idiot dancing down the street. I shrug and continue walking down the street. Until he full on fucking dances into me! I stumble back and that's it. But he, at least I think they were a he, falls to the ground! I look down at him and he looks up at me, almost in awe, but he could just be scared. "What the hell?!" I shout at him. He jumps slightly and looks up at me. Just then I realise his feminine figure and how adorable he looks but I push passed it because I'm so extremely annoyed with him. "Maybe you should turn your music down next time! Are you even listening to me?? Why are you just staring?!" I rant to him as he just sits there staring at my... ears? I growl deeply at him my ears folding back. Hurriedly, he gets up and walks off, blushing without even saying sorry! Some people...

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