Chapter 5: Liam

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After the little incident I just experienced, I decided I had had enough of today and went to bed. I hope tomorrow will be better. Eventually, I drift off to sleep at around 3 am. I stayed up on Instagram looking at everything else people have posted about their day. Everyone seemed to have a better time than me, like usual. Anyways, something really confused me...

I had a dream about that bunny dude I bumped into. We were sitting on a bench and it was sunny and they had a little crop top, pastel pink hoodie over a black vest top, with pastel pink shorts. I have my arm around them and we have ice cream. They rest their head on my shoulder...

Instantly, I wake up and think over the dream I had just experienced. They seemed too feminine for my liking... but the more I think about them the more I see things I like such as his fluffy, gently brushed bunny ears, the gap in the front of his teeth, the way they dress... but most of all the beautiful rich red colour of their hair that hugs their cheeks and is neat... but scruffy.

I get out of bed after just getting lost in my thoughts and grab my phone from my bed side table. I go back onto Insta, and search various things. But I don't know his name so I never achieve finding him. I sigh deeply seeing my stupidity, I had shouted at him in the street anyways! He probably won't want to talk to me now. First impressions are everything!

Liam x MakutaWhere stories live. Discover now