Chapter 7: Liam

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I wake up the next morning and check my phone and see that I've received multiple notifications. I unlock my phone and read the DM I got on Twitter. Apparently, it's from pastel_bunny_boyo. The message reads, "Hey this probs seems rlly weird but we met 2nite and I wanted to say srry and to ask if ur okay even tho u seem to have a lot of muscle on u." Who is this? What do they mean? Then I realise it's that bunny bloke. I instantly begin to type a reply.

To: Makuta From: Liam 9:00am

"I'm so sorry about bumping into you the other night and getting so angry! I didn't have a great night that night so I was bit angry all ready. Don't hate me. And by the way... I didn't catch your name."

I smile at my response and wait for him to reply. I hear my phone vibrate and read the message.

To: Liam From: Makuta 9:03am

"Nah its fine besides it was me who bumped into you! You dont need to apologise. My name's makuta :)"

To: Makuta From: Liam 9:03am

"Nice name ;) Mine's Liam."

To: Liam From: Makuta 9:09am
"Thnx Liam! U have a nice name 2 ;) Wuu2? Do u wanna hang out 2 day or smthn?"

To: Makuta From: Liam 9:11am

"I'm not up to much, just talking to you obviously. I'm up for anything right now ;)"

I chuckle to myself as I hear a knock on my flat door. "Who would be knocking at this time of the morning?" I mutter to myself, shuffling over to the door. As I go to open the door, I realise the only person that would be calling at this hour would be Suki. I decide whether I want to open it or not. SHE'S SO ANNOYING. While weighing out my options, she begins rapidly knocking. Out of annoyance and frustration I swing the door open. Instantly, Suki falls before my feet. "Finally!" she says, getting up and brushing herself off. "You're so impatient. What're you doing here anyways?"

"I came to ask you why you stormed out of the restaurant the other day." She stared at me waiting for an answer, "Cause the guy i went out with was a huge perv!" She looked down at the ground as I stood with my arms crossed and ears folded back.

"True he was a bit clingy...but you didn't even give him a chance! Its always been like this, it's like you dont want to be in a relationship!" I perk up as I think she finally got the hint that I want to be left alone, thinking back to all the times in the past that I tell her im happy being single and she'd just ignore me.

"FINALLY! I've told you about a million times to stop hooking me up with random guys that your friends know!" I growl, "They're never my type! I don't see why you don't just listen to me! I can find a date on my own, because I know my own type. " Suki looks extremely disappointed in herself and so she should. I have this feeling like she'll ruin my life sometime soon. "And I can prove this to you because I think I've found someone I really like..." I mutter, grabbing my phone.

"Lemme seeeeeeeeeeeeee!" she squeals, reaching for my phone. "Where'd you find him? Tinder? Grindr?" She interrogates. "No! You know I hate those dating websites! They found me... on Twitter." I say. "Twitter?" She asks, sounding disappointed in me. "Yeah. We've been talking all of this morning." I explain as my phone vibrates from within my palm. "That's them!" I say to her, grinning. 

To: Liam From: Makuta 10:03am

"Do u wanna go get some coffee? Ik a great coffee place where we can chat in person. :) Unless u had smthn else in mind? x" 

"What does it say?" Suki questions. "He just asked if I want to go out for coffee so we can chat." I reply, beginning to type my reply. "Can I see his profile?" she asks. "No, I'll send you some screenshots of some of his photos and posts though. But I will be blocking out his account name so you don't go looking for him." I reply again. "Fiiiiine." She says, going onto her own phone and texting someone. "Is that Ryan?" I ask dully. "Yes, he's just asking how I am." she responds.

To: Makuta From: Liam 10:06am

"I didn't have anything that good in mind, that's why I asked you! Coffee sounds great, I'll be paying, no buts! When and where should we meet?"

To: Liam From: Makuta 10:08am

"Meet me on Valintino Street, CH44 9GP at 1:30pm. Don't be late ;) Can't wait to properly speak to u and c u in person properly seeing as it was so dark I never got 2 truly see your face :) plus my bunny ears got in the way."  

I smile and start thinking about what I'm going to wear. I can't wait to speak to him and see his adorable face all over again... I can't believe this is actually going somewhere. 

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