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Dean POV:

I wake up to sammy screaming in his sleep again. I get up, walk over to my door and it stops. "Sammy!?" i yell. Now i'm running. I get to his room in our two bedroom apartment and slam open the door. I see him sitting up with his brown hair wild and his hazel green eyes wide in fear. "Hey, hey, Sammy, it's ok. Your not there anymore. Your here with me."

"Dean" he says with fear in his voice. "He w-was going t-to get m-me again."

"No" i say. "He's never going to get you again. Ever. I'm here. Go back to sleep, We have our first day of school tomorrow. Aren't you excited?" He shakes his head no. "Hey, it's ok. It's just going to be me and you." i look around the room at all of the unpacked boxes. "We've got a lot to do tomorrow huh?" i say. He looks up at me then grabs my arm. "W-will you s-stay with m-me Dean?"

"Of course, always Sammy" i say. He looks at me with sad eyes and says, "It's Sam. Sammy is a little chubby 12 year old." I laugh and lay next to my baby brother. He curls into a ball and closes his eyes.

It's our third night in this new town and apartment. I'm 17 and old enough to take care of my 14 year old little brother. I'm starting my last year of high school and he's starting his first year of highschool. Sammy starts to stir and i know he's asleep. I slowly get up and walk to the bathroom, passing through the kitchen, looking at the new microwave from the neighbors for the time. It's 3 in the morning. I sign and keep walking to the bathroom. I finish, wash my hands and then walk back to Sam's room. I go to lay down but realize he's not next to me. "Sammy?!" i spring up, and start running all over the house. I find him hiding behind under my bed. "Hey, where'd you go?" i whisper. His eyes are wide with fear, but there's something different this time, there's a shimmer on the floor, must be tears i though. Then i look once again. "Sammy, what did you do?" i say.

"T-they won't l-let me s-sleep." he says shakily.

"Sammy get out from under the bed." i say "Now." He slowly crawls out. I get up, turn the light on and crouch down to look at his arm. "Sammy, this needs to stop. You can't keep hurting yourself because of your nightmares. They aren't real. I need you to know that. You're here with me now. Not there." I get up and walk to the bathroom. I grab bandages from the mirror. I wrap his arm to stop the bleeding. He's shaking. I grab some dirty shirts from the corner of my room full of boxes and clean up the blood that was on the floor under my bed. I look up at him and he's asleep once again. I sit beside the bed on the floor and just stare at my baby brother. He looks peaceful right now. Until the nightmares come back. Why won't they go away i think to myself. "It's gonna be okay Sammy. I'm here and i'm never leaving. Ever." i start to doze off sitting next to the bed staring at Sammy.

Don't Leave Me Alone (Destiel/Sabriel)Where stories live. Discover now