A Nice Talk

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Cas POV:

After i hear the door slam and its quiet for a bit Sam walks in the room. "Hey Sammy." He shoots me a small smile and sits on the floor next to the bed. I slide to the floor next to him and sit there for a bit in a comfortable silence till he finally decides to speak. "G-gabe wants to stay tonight."

"Oh- after the date?" He nods. "I suppose i can stay also, i can tell Anna were staying here-"

"P-please no." I look at him confused. "Why not?"

"I... nightmares- i s-still have them, i d-don't want Gabe to h-have to deal with m-me." i look at him sympathetically and go in for a hug but before i can even get close to him he flies into my arms. "Heyy, it's okay. Your gonna be okay. I'm sure Gabe won't mind. He wants the best for you." I hear sniffling and i pull his head in my hands so were eye to eye. He's crying. "I care about you Sam. So do Dean and Gabriel. We all care about you so much. You need to know that Sam." He slowly nods and wipes his eyes. We talk for a while about how he doesn't want Dean to know and how he's scared for the double date since Dean and Gabe are the ones planning it and i agree with him completely. I hear two car doors closing. "Okay Sam, let's mess with Dean and make it seem like i'm talking to you about sex. I wanna freak him out." He chuckles and nods. We keep our faces straight and start talking about sex for a second before Dean walks in the room and we stop talking immediately and turn to him. "We'll finish talking about this later, yea?" Sam nods and leaves the room. Dean closes the door behind him and we talk for a bit. Then we just lay there watching netflix on my phone until my phone starts ringing. Anna. "Hello?"

"Hey, where are you? Dad said to make sure your in school but i honestly don't give a shit so just tell me your safe so i know where you are."

"I'm at Dean's."

"You whore." she says laughing at me. "Wow, is that any way to talk to your little brother? Damn, thought we were closer than that asshole." She laughs again and i hang up. "Jeez- she's such a bitch."

"What happened?"

"I told her where i was and she called me a whore."

"Wow, rude much, damn."

"Oh well, i'm used to it by now."

"Damn." Is all he says in reply. I mean, it's kinda fucked up that she's a bitch to me but honestly i really am used to it by now. I'm not 100% okay with it but it's just words. Just like Dean said. Just words. They can't hurt me. 

*A/N: Hey guys, hope u enjoyed!*

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