Alot of Gay Shit

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Gabriel's POV:

What the hell was i thinking? He's probably not even gay. Oh my god, now he's going to hate me. He probably thinks i'm weird now. Ugh, i hate myself for this. I wash my face and walk out. "What the hell did you do to him asshole?" Dean says, pushing me against the wall. "Nothing, what happened? Is he okay?" i try looking past him but i can't see Sam, or Castiel. I look over at the booth where we were sitting and nobody's there. "Where did everyone go? Where's Sam?" I ask. "He's fine. No thanks to you. Whatever you did to him in that bathroom made him pass out. What the hell did you do to him?" he asks once again. "I tried to kiss him." i say under my breath. "Speak up, i can't hear you." he says pushing me against the wall once again. "I tried to kiss him" i say louder. He slowly lets go and he laughs. "Why are you laughing?" i ask. "He likes you, you know. He's just scared." Dean says. "Why is he scared? Did someone hurt him before?" i ask. Dean nods his head. "Oh... but i won't. I swear on my life." Dean looks up at me in surprise. "Why do you look so surprised?" I ask. "You called him a spas the other day and now your making promises about not hurting him". He says. "Well i didn't expect to fall- to like him as much as i do, okay?" i say quickly. Then i look down at the floor. I feel Dean's hand on my shoulder then i look up. "Go check on him, he's outside getting some air. Tell Cas i said for him to come eat." he says. I nod once then walk outside. I walk out and see Sam sitting on the curb of the sidewalk and Cas standing up behind him. I tap Cas on the shoulder and whisper what Dean told me to tell him and he walks in the diner. I sit down next to him and say, "I'm sorry, i shouldn't have done that." i look over at him but he's already looking at me. "I didn't mean to scare you." i say. He leans over and kisses me. At first i'm confused and surprised, then i give into it. He pulls away and put his head down. "I didn't think you likes guys honestly." i say after a while of awkward silence. He pulls his phone out and shows me his screensaver, it's a pride flag. "Nice. My screensaver is Troye Sivan, he's totally adorable and totally gay." i say. I pull out my phone and show him. He smiles and then i say, "wanna head in? It's kinda chilly out here." He nods and we head inside. When we get to the booth, Cas and Dean are laughing and giggling like school girls. They were obviously flirting with each other, their faces are red. Dean has whipped cream on his face and Cas has the can of whipped cream that the waiter left when she brought me the pancakes. We sit down and i leave my left hand free on my leg and eat with my right hand. Sam does the opposite and i want to hold his hand. I move my hand slowly towards his until out pinkys are touching. "Are you still not gonna eat Sam?" Dean says scaring me and making me jump. I look up and Sam is blushing and then he moves his hand away and starts picking at his salad. "You haven't eaten in a few days Sam, you need to eat." Dean says. I pull my phone out and type 'maybe u should eat, or do u want me to feed u 😉' Sam reads it and laughs. "What are you laughing at? Do i have something on my face?" Dean asks. Sam shakes his head and smiles at me. He nods and takes a bite of my pancakes. "Hey! Could've asked, i would have gave you a bite, dork." i say. I laugh and give Sam my plate of pancakes. I call the waitress over to our table and order another plate of pancakes with strawberry syrup. I sit there watching Sam and it's like nobody else in the world exists. Is this what it feels like to care for someone so much that nobody else matters? 

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