Call Me Cas

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Dean's POV:

Me and Castiel are walking to the elevator and he bumps my arm with his shoulder and looks away like nothing happened. "Haha, hey, sorry for putting you on the spot earlier. I wasn't trying to do that." i say. "It's cool, i wanted to talk to you about something." he says looking at the floor while we wait for the elevator. "Okay, what is it?" i say as the elevator door opens and we walk in. "I uh, i can't understand why but i can't stop thinking about how i found you in the gym. Who would do that to a teenager Dean?" he says. "I uh, i don't wanna talk about this right now Castiel. Please." i say looking at the floor. "Call me Cas. Everyone does."

"Okay... Well, what food are we getting for everyone? I know what i'm getting for me and Sam but i'm not sure he's going to eat it." If Sam doesn't eat then he's going to have to stay another night here. "I just want to get him home so he can rest easier. He's spent enough time in hospitals." i say, barely realizing what i just said. I look over at Castiel and he looks at me with this sideway confused look, with a crease in his forehead and a slight tilt of his head. His eyes are so beautiful. I look down at his lips, which are slightly parted, and i move closer to him. "Can you close your eyes real quick?" i ask in a slight whisper. He closes his eyes and i move closer. We're inches apart and i want to kiss him. Why do i feel like this isn't real? Am i dreaming? I hesitate, then without thinking any more about it, i kiss him. He doesn't kiss back at first but then i feel him kiss back and his hand is on the back of my head, pulling me closer. I put my hand on his hip and the side of his face. I start to move my hand that's on his back down and then the elevator dinged, startling us and making us open our eyes and turn to the door. We pulled apart and walked out of the elevator as if nothing happened.

*Sorry it's short, ive got alot of school work to get done*

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