Boyfriend ❤❤

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Cas POV:

"So you just played games the whole time?" i ask. And then my phone rings. "Hello" i say, answering the phone. "Where are you?" oh shit, its my dad, i forgot to tell him where we are. "At the movies, Sam woke up."

"Next time tell me where you are, do you hear me?"

"Y-yes sir." i manage to stutter out. And then there's a click. "Hey guys, i think we should go, my dad is flipping out right now that we haven't called and told him where we are." i say more calm then i feel. We all nod and walk out to the car. We get in and start driving. "Oh- i forgot to ask where you live." Dean says. I tell him our address and we take off in the direction of our house. "You can turn in here." Gabe says. Dean turns in and we get out. "Hey, text me, yea?" Gabe says to Sam. Sam blushes and nods. Ha, they're so obvious, i swear. It's cute. "Bye boyfriend!" i practically scream. "Haha bye" Dean says. We get in the house and before we even close the door, someone is yelling at us. "Why the hell wouldn't you tell me where the hell you where?"

"It was an accident Dad, Sam woke up and was let out so Dean wanted to treat him out and so we went out and then we just lost track of time. We're sorry dad. Won't happen again. Promise. Right Cas?" i nod and he sends us up to our rooms. I plop down on my bed and pull out my phone, change Dean's name to Boyfriend with two red hearts and text him.

Boyfriend ❤❤

7:15 'i got in trouble'

7:16 'im sry'

7:16 'its ok, its not ur fault my dad is an asshole'

7:17 'he seemed nice when we met him on the first day of school'

7:17 'yea, he's nice to strangers'

7:20 'oh, so in other words, he likes to make everyone think u have the perfect life outside of the house... i know how that is..'

7:20 'really? im sry, i wouldnt wish that on anyone.'

I plug my headphones in and push play on my spotify list and the first song to play was Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez. I start tapping my foot to the beat

'Hey girl, open your walls, play with your dolls,

We'll be a perfect family,

When you walk away, is when we really play,

You don't hear me when i say, "mom please wake up, dad's with a slut,

And your son is smoking cannabis",

This song is pretty perfect for my life. My dad cheats on my mom constantly, she's a drunk because of it. My dad seems oblivious to it all but i have a feeling he knows but just doesn't care. My dad paints a perfect image in everyone's mind that we're the perfect family.

'Places, places, get in your places, throw on your dress and put on your doll faces, 

everyone thinks that were perfect,

Please don't let them look through the curtains,

Picture, picture, smile for the picture'

The music pauses and my phone vibrates. Dean is calling.

"Hello?' i say softly.

"Hey, i'm sorry for getting you in trouble Cas."

"It's fine Dean, he would have found something else to be mad at us about." i say trying to lighten the mood.

"I'm sorry."

"Dean quit apologizing, jeez- it's not like he killed my dog because of it- well first off i would have had a dog to kill so i think i'm in the clear actually haha" and as i say this i can hear a little laugh in the background.

"Our brothers are really fond of eachother, i haven't heard Sam laugh in ages. And in one day, he's talking to strangers and laughing at dumb jokes." i smile at this even though he only said it to change the subject.

"Maybe he can help Sam come out of his shell."

"Yea... so what were you doing before i called?"

"Listening to music, staring at my wall, questioning life." i add a dramatic sigh.

"Ahh, so you're one of those guys?" he says, i can hear the smirk in his voice.

"Haha, yea i guess."

We spend the rest of the night on the phone, and around 11 we both fall asleep on the phone. 

*A/N: okay guys, need your help. i want to get on a schedule of updating at least one or twice a week, but i'm not sure what days i should update, comment when you think i should update.*

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