Untitled Part 1

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It didn't take you long to find the Resistance after you watched your home planet being destroyed. That infamous day now may refer to as Star Killer day was your driving force in life now. So you joined the Resistance hoping it would give you the chance to ease that painful hole in your chest.

You along with a few members of your squadron were sent to do a routine sweep of a planet rumored to be the new base of operations for the First Order. It had seemed pointless until you had a Tie Fighters up your ass! Then the news come through your headset, General Hux was there! He was fleeing on a transport. You being as stubborn and as reckless as you normally are; of course, didn't follow the order to return to base; no you, of course, saw your shot to finally have some justice for your family. You pursue not will let him get away!

It didn't go exactly as you envisioned, this glorious righteous moment.....You somehow manage to send his transport down but your x-wing went down right alongside it. Now as your ship is rapidly getting closer to the ground your ejection seat chooses that moment to malfunctions (old piece of crap), all you can do is hope that just maybe you will see your family again as your ship hits the tree line. The pain of the impact hits knocking the wind from your lungs. Darkness is closing in.....Mommy's coming baby was your last thought before there was nothing.

A shadow stands before you........all you can make out is a blaster.......pain.......pain.......stars it hurts...........darkness again......pain.....pain ......something cool touching your lips running down your throat......a voice telling you to drink......but the pain is all you can focus on......please just let me die already......darkness.

You open your eye. Yes, pain but it's the first time your mind has truly managed to come to focus. It's dark but you know your outside from the canopy of leaves above you. You can feel the heat and see the faint glow of orange at your side...a fire. You try to raise your head but can't as shooting pains travel down your back. In fact any movements you attempt shoot unbelievable pain through your body.

"Ah you're awake." In the darkness, a hand touches your face. When the face of the owner of the mystery hand comes into focus you want to scream. How dare he still be alive! "How is my would be murderess feeling?" Rage....a furious rage runs through you enough to surpass the pain of your injuries enabling you to attempt a strike but its weak and he easily takes hold of your arm. "None of that now, you cheeky thing. You need to save your energy for recovery." He sets your arm down beside you with such gentleness. "You need to drink." You moan in pain as he lifts your head bring water to your lips. Feebly you shake your head. "Stop being difficult." The bottle is forced in your mouth. Want you had chocked down enough to satisfy him he lays you back down again with unexpected gentleness. You stare silently at him wonder what game is being played here. Was he keeping you alive for information? Well, fat chance you wouldn't tell him anything. He shakes his head before moving away from you to the other side of the fire. You watch him through the flames. You tired but there is no way you can let yourself sleep now that you know he's the one caring for you.

"We were the only two to survive." He said after some time. He added some more wood before laying down you could still see his face as he tucked an arm under her head. "Get some rest. You have a lot of healing to do." He closes his eyes; oh if you could get up right now you would choke the life out of him. Maybe he will kill when you sleep....as if sensing your inter monologue he signs "If I was going to kill you I would have done so already. I could have left you to die it that ship but I chose to pull you out, to patch you up and have been caring for you for two days." Well, that doesn't make any sense. "So rest." Despite your best efforts your eyes did start to close in time. Your injuries were siphoning all your strength you were soon asleep.

You wake to the sun shining in your face. Again you try to sit up but it is too painful. You look around wildly where is he? Maybe he left you but no he soon appears caring what looks like some form of fruit. "Good Morning," he says taking a seat next to you place a fruit before you. There was no way you were exchanging pleasantries with this man. You were hungry but you think to yourself was it worth it.....taking food from this man. "You will need your strength if you hope to kill me." Well, the man does have a point. You reach for the fruit but still are too weak. He moves forward scooping you up in arms hoisting you to a sitting position. He braces you there lifting the fruit to your mouth. Half of your mind is scream you will not be hand fed by the man that took your own children from you. The other half is telling it to shut it, you're hungry. "I'm not going to do this all day bite or starve." He's eye have a cool edge to them; you had to decide what to do. Hunger won out and you bite into the fruit. The coolness leaves his eyes. Once breakfast is done he gently lowered you back to the ground.

"Why did you not kill me?" The question has been on your tongue the entire time you ate.

"As I said last night we are the only survivors. My transmitter was damaged." He moves to sit facing me. "I sought out your ship in hopes of finding some means of communication. Instead, I find you pinned in half alive." He bites into his own fruit. You wait for him to continue but he doesn't.

Hux study the injured women well he eats. He would not go further into his tale. She didn't need to know that his own people turned on him. He was sent to a planet told to inspect it only to find out he was being led to slaughter. He is hardly the first member of the First Order to be "dealt" which is such a way after they have failed. He should have known that Starkiller's destruction would fall on his shoulders rather than the true culprit....Damn Kylo Ren!

Still, he should have seen it coming. Firstly Ren had encouraged him to take minimum security. Secondly, the Resistance showing up to the same nothing of a planet is fair to coincidental; surely they were tipped off to be there. These two things alone should have been enough but Ren's response to his distress call was when the truth of the matter hit home. "Your services are no longer required, Hux." That was it, a lifetime of service and he was to be tossed to the wolves.

Wolves or not he was going down fighting; to his great delight, they had managed to hit the pursuing x-wing before they crashed. How he survived with minimal damage was a miracle. The few troops that were with him had not been so fortunate. His first goal was to reach out to see if there was possibly someone to assist him out there, someone neutral preferably. He was in a good system for it, the neighboring planets here have not yet chosen aside so finding an unbiased person to aid was a possibility but his communication like his troops didn't survive. So his hunt for the downed x-wing begins.

It took him a good part of a day to find it only to discover the woman before him still live. He was standing before her ready to take the shot. Killing her made all the sense in the galaxy but he couldn't seem to bring himself to deliver the final shot. He had killed so many but in the past, it had all been for a purpose. They had to die to further the First Order, they were necessary but he was no longer part of that cause. They had seen to it. So he finds now he can't find a reason in his mind why this woman should die. So he finds himself taken great pains to recover her from the wreckage and to mend her.

Perhaps it was just that fact that he was alone, truly alone. He had no goals to reach. No father to impress. No rivals to discredit, no enemies to kill. This is the first time in his existence that he was just himself and he felt incredibly alone and devoid of purpose. Her wellbeing seemed to become paramount in his mind. She was something to focus his attention on so that he didn't have to face that big question in the back of his mind. What do I do now?

Now awake her hatred of him was clear. He had hoped the fact that he saved her life would count for something. He can tell his kindness is confusing her. Patience he would have to be patient with her.....Patience he had in spades. He would win her trust in time. For now, they would survive here on this dissolute planet together.

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