Untitled Part 6

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After three days it was good to be able to move about, Hux's first thought was a bath, his mind longingly thought of his tub on the Finalizer, which to this day has never even been used. He never had the time for lounging around bathing, quick showers were all he permitted himself, but now he regrets it, in fact, he regrets a lot of things, in retrospect there are many things he should have done differently, but now at this moment he really wished he had taken the time to enjoy that tub. He takes his time in the cold river water, his companion seemed most displeased with him, oh well she'll get over it but still, perhaps it's best to let her cool down.

He really need to get some information from her, like her name, why she decided to join the resistance, what was on the bloody chip she clung to, he couldn't stop his General programming from kicking in, rushing to assume it was some sort of important information concerning the resistance, but seeing how she cherishes it, the way she checks the pocket over and over throughout the day to ensure that it is still in its place, no it had to be personal, he longs to know what she held so dear to her heart. It's likely her lover, he frowned to himself, probably why she was so upset to wake up in his arms this morning. He could see this mystery man now, some resistance flyboy, like that pilot they had caught on Jakku, he was a charmer, busy flirting with the female trooper well he was being interrogated, so much so that they had to remove her from the room just to keep him focused. Hux felt a ping in his chest at the thought, he raises from the water with a huff, irritated with himself for feeling jealous of some unknown man, stupid he was stupid. He suppresses a cringe as he puts his soil uniform back on, the moment they found civilizations again, he was going into a hot bath, get new clothes and eating until his stomach is bulging, then with any luck have a nice soft bed to sleep curl up in, hopeful not alone, but with a clean, happily feed.......kriff he needs to find out her name.

He arrives at the fruit grove and sets to work gathering some breakfast, surely by the time he returns she will have cooled down and just be content that he was bringing food. After breakfast he would bring her to bath, maybe if he set a few traps he could catch on of those animals again, a bunch of them are scurrying about the grove clear just as happy as he is about the rain ending, they weren't particularly tasty but they did fill the void more than the fruit.

The fruit in his arm cascaded to the muddy ground, Hux clearly heard screams in the distance, she was in trouble. His heart was pounding against his rib cage as he runs in a panic back to their campsite, only to find she is missing. Tracking has never been one of Hux's strong suit but luckily the ground was soft enough to leave a clear trail, it is also is very clear she had not left willing, Hux rushes through the trees following trying to catch up to his companion.

The pain was becoming unbearable, every time one of the men heaved on her arm, or one of her legs got stuck on a rock or root, she would pray for death. She didn't realize she was speaking those prayers aloud until one of her captures chuckled says, "Don't worry honey, death is coming." Time seems to slow to a painful crawl, minute feeling like hours, she just wished they would arrive where ever they were taking her.

"That damn kid!" She hears one of the men say, "Can't leave him alone for a minute," That's when she heard the sound of music, bass, and drums. "KANE!" The man yells, a medium size land cruiser comes into view, in the driver's seat sits a teenage boy, he seemed to be pretending the driving wheel was a drum set, banging away on it to the beat of the music, singing along to the music.

"He ain't gonna hear you, not over that crap he's playing," that comment almost made her forget the pain she's in and laugh because she recognizes that song. The music's volume suddenly drops and the door opens.

"Dad!" The boy hurries out of the cruiser.

"Get that back door open boy she can ride back there, look at her now gentle as a kitten." She was unceremoniously shoved into the back seat, hissing in pain.

"Geez, Dad she doesn't look good." The boy says, "I'm going to give her some water."

"Now don't go getting attached boy, this one is going to die, rebel scum." The boy tries to get closer without causing her additional pain.

"Lady, I'm just gonna give you some water ok., I'm gonna move your hair." He hand comes towards her face pushing back the mess of hair that was now stuck there from sweat and mud. She looks into the boy's eyes and she saw the exact moment when realization washed over his face, he recognized her!

"Oh my god. Oh My God!" The boy's voice starts getting loaded, oh how she wished he didn't recognize her, this isn't going to make anything better. He moves quickly leaning into the front seats of the cruiser returning with an audio vid case, the band name she already knew, hell her photo was on the cover, why had she let them use her photo. "This is YOU," the boy said excitedly. You're the lead singer of Somber Skies."

"I was." Was all she said but the boy was too excited to register her words.

"I love you guys, I have both your albums. Wait you're dead, I thought your band was in the Hosnian system, you know when" the boy stops talking and just looks at her well the unspoken truth settling in.

"They were, I was delayed in Coruscant," the boy looks at her photo on the case sadly murmuring a sorry. "Boy, can you do something for me?"

"Kane, my name is Kane." His eye shot but up to her. "Before you ask, I can't let you go."

"I wasn't going to ask that, in the big coat," he turns his head falling her gaze, "there is a data chip that is mine, it precise to me, please can you get it for me." He looks back at her pleading face, "Please Kane," he gives a small nod.

"Well I think we got what we came for," the father says his hand hitting the top of the cruises as he smiles down at her, "Time to head home and get paid. Kane gets everything packed up." She watched the men pack up there camp all the while scan the surrounding trees looking for Hux. Had he even returned to find her missing yet?

Soon they were ready to depart, Kane moves to set in the seat next to her, he leans over slipping her chip into her palm. She whispers thank you to him, balling her fist up and if to embrace the tiny metallic chip. As the engine fires up she scans the forest line one last time looking for Hux.

Then she sees it, the red glint of his hair between to trees, "Kane," she points out the window.

"Hey Dad, there's a guy coming," Kane called out, she isn't sure why she is was so relieved when as the engine died down but she was.

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