Untitled Part 5

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He woke to the sound of birds and a stiff back. The steady deep breathes against his chest told him his snuggling companion was still asleep, still happily ignorant of him invading her personal space the night before.

He should unravel himself as carefully as possible and let her wake on her own but a small part of him is morbidly curious to see her reaction when she finds herself against his chest. So he lays there fiddling with the ends of her hair. He can't recall a time that he held any of his previous lovers so, not that she is his lover! It was nice nonetheless and he wonders why he never considered doing this in the past. The lack of time, he supposed, really there was always something to do, in fact, there were never enough hours in a day. So there was no good reason to layabout in bed. Though other than the hard ground beneath him this would be an enjoyable way to wake.

He thought about all the thing that needed to be done today. Get more wood, food, bath, maybe she would be up for an attempt to stand, dare he hope maybe walk! They could start to make their way to civilization. Have a decent meal, a hot shower and sleep in a real bed. He hadn't noticed that the birdsongs had ceased nor the eerie quiet that seemed to take over. Though the sound of a branch breaking in the distance he did, then another. The clear pop of a twig being crushed under the weight. Someone was near or worse something large!

He untangled himself a bit too quickly causing a hiss to comes from the girl. He throws a hand over her mouth. His other goes to his lips as he points in the direction the last sound comes from. He watches the look on her face move from anger to concern. She too now heard the approaching noise, her eyes go large and whether she meant to or not she tightened you arms slightly around him.

"I'll have a look." He whispered an emotion that could have been concern stares back at him. He moves slowly out of their shelter. A beautiful blue sky can be seen through the trees making a promise of sun and warmth for the day. He moves cautiously into the trees but there is nothing to be seen. He does a small inspection but finds nothing. He sighed moving back to the ship. "I don't see anything. Shall I go get us some breakfast?" She pulled herself up and was moving with greater. She was recovering quickly perhaps they could leave camp tomorrow, today if he really wanted to push her.

"Yes, that would be great." She smiles sweetly at him, her tone, however, put his nerves on edge. "Then once you're back we'll sit down and have a nice little chat You can explain exactly how it is I woke in your arm this morning." The charming smile disappeared his lips pursed her eyes hard demanding answers. He bites back a smile she's reacting just as he predicted.

"Yes well I, look forward to that." He smiles as he heads into the forest

She watched him disappear into the distance. She grunts and pushes herself to crawl over to the side of the plane. That was it she was going to walk and that was all that was to it. She used the ship as a support pushing herself up until she was standing. Her legs were weak and sore but in a strange way, it felt good. She images she looked like a newborn Fathier as she stumbled around but she had a clear goal. Get walking so she could get as far away from the man with her as soon as possible.

Waking in his arms was not something she wished to repeat. Clearly, the man has lost what was left of his sick mind if he thought in any way it would be ok to hold her in that manner.

She fears he was starting to form an attachment. She was no psychology major but she knew that it happened to people in extreme situations, well they would have a nice little chat when he returned, she would lay down the law on what exactly he could and couldn't do from this point on.

"Why hello, Miss!" Her heart leaps to her throat. She turned having to take hold of the nearby tree to keep from falling over. The beside the plane was a man. He was dressed normally, definitely not a trooper. Another man came around the other side of the ship.

"Hello." She straightens herself up as best she could to try to give the impression that she was in control. She could no-show weakness.

"I told you there were two ships that went down didn't I." The other man says not speaking to her but her smirks at her.

"Look an x-wing and that's a nice suit, Miss. Resistance eh?" The men start moving close.

"No a good place for a resistance member to crash honey. This is First Order territory." She stumbles backward trying to put some space between them.

"Hey hey where you off to honey." One man giggles "We're not going to hurt ya!" One man makes a grab for her but she ducks around another tree push herself stumbling through the forest. When the other grab her but the collar of her suit.

"You worth much more alive! The Order was offering a reward for proof that the General is dead and well with that big coat laying on the ground these and you I'm sure they will reward us handsomely.

The other man is rummaging through his pack until he pulled out some rope. She took the opportunity to kick that one and with all her might shove the other man back into the tree. In retrospect, it was a poor plan, stupid that the right word! She only managed to hobble a little away before they caught up with her and well they didn't appreciate her escape attempt. The hits to her body were enough to make her wish she was dead, in fact, she begged them to punch her face rather than her side. She screamed for mercy.

The rest was a bit unclear as they bond and began dragging her through the tree. "Wait! ........Wait! The General....., is alive! He's....he's ......here." Not that she expected any help from him but it would be wrong to leave him behind but they were ignoring her. They drag her painfully along both pulling her by an arm. Her legs useless after the recent shots taken. She glances to her side the man on the left drags Hux's great coat too. Oh stars her data chip! She left it in the coat pocket. She needed her chip!

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