Untitled Part 7

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The men were slightly awe stuck that thee "General Hux" was actually in their presence. There was a brief discussion on fitting everyone in the transport. The men wanted to shove the girl in the back with the supplies, Hux surveyed his now very pale companion in the backseat, there is a boy that unlike the men seems to be fawning over her, which stuck Hux as odd. She was answering the boy questions but upon making eye contact with Hux he could tell she was in a lot of pain, clearly whatever healing that had happened over the past few weeks has been undone but the rough treatments of her captures. The sight of her crumbled injured body lying in the back seat was enough to enrage him, but he needed to keep a cool head, these men were their means of reaching civilization. Which meant hot food, hot showers and a doctor for her.

In the end, the boy volunteers to rid in the back, his head perched on the seal of the window looking at the girl the whole trip, despite his desire to check on her condition he was forced to play his role. General Hux would never care what happens to an injured resistance pilot. Though every time they hit a bump a hissing breath would escape her mouth only cause his concern for her to rise.

It was a few hours when a town came into view, Hux comments on the town in the distance asking its name, to let his companion now they were close to their destination, but upon stealing a glance he found her to be asleep, or passed out from the pain it was hard to say.

He had asked to be taken to a local inn, or someplace he could get a room. The man wanted to take the girl to the local police but Hux explains that he needs to keep this particular prisoner close, nonsense about requiring information. He was trying his best to remove the girl from the transport without damaging her further but he also couldn't appear to be too gentle as the men were watching.

"General Sir," The boy timidly ask as he appeared at Hux's shoulder. "What.....what will happen to her?"

"The traitor will be executed." He said with the cool indifference leaning over her, whispering for her to put her arms over his shoulder. She looks at him briefly before complying. He whispers the count of three before pulling the girl out and into his arms. She clung to him a pain filled moans of protest into his neck. With a jagged breath, she whispers "Goodbye Kane," as her head falls on his shoulder.

Getting a room was easy enough, his standing in the Order had the people pretty well bending over backwards, soon he was laying his girl gently down on the sofa in the best suite the hotel had to offer, a doctor had been called to come to check both of them over, Hux debated on showering but was too afraid the doctor would arrive interrupting what Hux was planning to be the longest shower in history of showers, if this hotel has a limit on hot water he was going to use it all. So he instead sits in a chair looking at the room service menu, he was plotting a feast."Is there something special you would like?" She looked at him with a puzzled expression as he stands to hold the menu before her. "What? Did you wish to bathe first? I could run you a bath once the doctor sees you." He kneels on the floor next to her, trying to figure out why she was looking at him so gravely. Was it because of the pain she was in? Her eyes glanced at the menu then back at him, she looks like she was going to cry. Well, he supposed tears of joy could be permitted after what they had endured those last few weeks. She looks at him with watery eyes but the one word she says confounds him.


Why would he offer her food, and her choice nonetheless if she were nothing more than a prisoner destined to die? This man's logic made no sense, thinking about it none of this ever made sense, did it? He had saved her, there was no question about that, she would never have survived the past few weeks if he hadn't cared for her, but now that they were found, whatever had been happening between them, this strange alliance that has formed was now over. He was the General of the First Order and she's a resistance pilot. She knew what this meant, she knew by the end she will have wished she died in the crash. She heard Poe's tales of the First Orders methods of extracting information. She eyes the menu again maybe this was a new and elaborate way to torture, perhaps he's going to order what she likes but not allow her to eat until she gives up the resistance new base......oh stars, she probably would break if he did do that! She was so hungry, she can feel the tears building in her eyes. Why would he be so cruel? Why not just kill her and be done with it? "Why?" was all she managed to get out before tears started to escape and her throat tightens up was you trying to hold back a sob.

He looks at her like she has gone mad, he took the menu away placing it on the table next to him. "Why! We haven't had anything other than fruit and a bit of whatever that tiny creature is called in weeks! Why are you so upset? Is it your injuries? Are you in pain?" He asked so gently, so full of concern she wanted to believe that he actually cared, but he didn't care he was a monster.

"I don't want anything!" She was angry, he's trying to trick her. Trick her with kindness of all things. "I will die dirty and with an empty stomach before telling you where the resistance is." The look of confusion leaves his face and a frown appears. He reaches forward brushing a strand of hair from her forehead.

"After all we have been through ....?" A knock at the door silences him. His face may now have a neutral experience but his voice was full of sadness. He raised going to let the doctor in.

Hux stay watching the doctor runs scanners, the man was not overly gentle as he examined her, and she saw Hux's face darken every time she gasped in pain. "That's enough." Hux strides forward. "I am more than capable of caring for her, left the medical equipment and go," Hux ordered ushering the doctor from the room. "That hack, he's not worthy of the title doctor." Hux walked over to the sofa. "Doctors are supposed to heal, no injure a patient further." Hux kneels next to her pick up the scanner.

"Do you have any idea what you're doing?" She asks as he starts looking at her damaged ribs. He warns her anytime he did something that might cause her pain.

"I always enjoyed medicine. In another life, I would have likely chosen to be a doctor." He was applying bacta to the cuts on her arm. "I was pushed into service by my father as a child when I showed skills that would make me a good leader. I pushed myself and excelled in the military but if I have learned anything over the past few weeks caring for you, it's that I wasn't happy. I think I would have enjoyed being a doctor." He had set the bacta down looking at her like there was more he wanted to say, he only releases a sigh, "This is stupid, you need to bathe then I'll apply more bacta." He quickly was on his feet and soon she could hear the water running.

The moment Hux lowered her into the beautiful warm water it was pure bliss, the tub was rather large with more than enough room for her to stretch out. Hux sat next to the tub with a face cloth in his hand every so often he would dip it in the water bring in out and wringing it into her hair. After some time it hard to say how long, he did insist on washing her body and hair, the shampoo smells of berries, the soap of baby powered. Once she was all clean Hux asked if she wanted to exit the tub. When she opted to stay he decided to clean himself in the standing shower in the corner of the bathroom but not before adding more hot water to her tub.

He wasn't in the shower very long, soon he was back sitting on the floor in the bathrobe provided by the hotel. "I ordered us some food, I also asked about getting some clothes." The bath really must have made her feel better because she actually made a joke about the bathrobe being fashionable, which made Hux chuckle. "Can I ask you something? That boy, he knew you." Is that really a question seems more like a statement she thought.

"Yes, he recognized me." She shifts uncomfortably in the water, Hux eyes her waiting for her to say more, her eyes travel over to the sink where she can see her data chip save and sound waiting for her to finish her bath. "In another life, I was in a pretty famous band. I'm kinda surprised he recognized me, we hadn't made it this far out, not that I was aware of. I was the lead vocals."

"I'd like to hear you sing sometime," Hux said a smile on his lips, there was a knocking at the door. "Food." Hux smiled, "I'll be right back to get you out of the tub." as sadness flooded her chest. Music left her left the day she lost him. Him...she can't even bring herself to think his name. She can't bring herself to watch the data chip that sits on the counter that contained the only images and videos she had of him.....her most beloved and cherished son.

The six year old boy that won't forgive her for sending him home to with Grandmother and the rest of her band to Courtsilius. Send home only days before the man now coming to help her from the tub destroy her home planet along with all the others in the Hosnian system . She couldn't even remember the reason why her agent had asked her to say in Coruscant now. All she knows is on that day she woke in her hotel room to find that everything in her life was gone and it was all because of this man next to her.

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