Untitled Part 2

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He carried the water in his makeshift bucket placing it by the fire. He can feel her eyes watching him. She would not like what was about to happen but she already hated him anyways so what did it matter; besides this is for her own good. He waits for the water to warm up before turning to face her. Confusion and fear the dominate emotions visible on her face. What did she think he was going to torture her? Her eyes grow larger as he dips a tattered piece of fabric into the water. He rolls his eye that's exactly what she's thinking. Yes, he took the time to warm the water to a comfortable temperature to use it for waterboarding!

"Just what do you think you're doing?" He moves closer she struggles in vain to move away. "You....you don't touch me." Her voice rises slightly as she looks wildly around for some sort of aid.

"You need to be cleaned." He reaches forward placing the cloth on her forehead wringing the water so that it runs down into her hair. He watches sadly has she trying to push him away but she is only draining what little energy she as. "You need to rest; you will slow down your recovery if you continue like this." He takes a deep breath, once she ceased the feeble attempts to hit him away. Rewetting the cloth he continues with his work wetting down her hair. The warm water seemed to have a relaxing effect as she starts to calm allow him to wash her face, neck, arms but all that changed when he started to zip down the front of her jumpsuit.

"What do you think you're doing?" He voice was filled with indignation.

"We have been through this; I'm cleaning you, stop being difficult." Her hand grabs on to his.

"Difficult! Have you lost your fucking mind? I would rather stay filthy" She snarls her eyes take on a determined edge which would on a normal occasion likely have been well ....cute but on this occasion it wasn't! He just wanted to get this over with. It's not like he's some depraved pervert just trying to get her naked. He was trying to take care of her.

"Who do you think cleaned you up when I found you? I have already seen everything!" Her eyes go large and he realizes a little late maybe that was the wrong thing to say.

"WHAT! You miscreant, you loathsome......" Her poor little face turn bright red and her eyes took on a loathing he didn't think was possible. She feebly uses her other arm to strike at him. The poor girl was so weak.
"I could have left you to die." Why is she turning this into such a big deal? So he saw her naked.

"I would have preferred that!" She swings her weak arm again striking his shoulder; sadly it seems to cause her more pain in the attempt than it caused him to receive her wrath.

"Oh stop being so melodramatic. I have seen naked females before. You are not my first and star I hope you're not my late."

"You're disgusting!" She spits out but a moment later she did release is hand; she diverted her eyes refusing to look at him as he continued with the task at hand. He takes great care with the source of her pain; a large purple mark decorates her left side starting at her armpit coving half her back traveling all the way down to her hip. He was no medic but he was sure there were some broken bones.

"So far the weather here has been most agreeable." He thought if he made small talk it would somehow make this uncomfortable experience easier but she didn't acknowledge him. "There is a river close by. With a bunch of that fruit trees, you sample that fruit for breakfast this morning." He continues working trying to be as gentle as he can. "I have a few traps set. There are these small creatures that scurry about in the area that could make a good dinner." The kriffin' suit is filthy he thinks as he starts removing one of her legs. He should wash it, it would have a good part of the day to dry he could lend her his coat it was far too warm for it anyways. Look at this pathetic suit. The Resistance really doesn't provide their soldiers with adequate uniforms, disgraceful.

If you hadn't wanted that man dead before you really did now. You internal monolog has found itself running off in fury. Yeah, make small talk well you are stripping my clothes away you fucking ass. This had to be the absolutely most humiliating thing to ever happen to you and to be done by someone you hate.....there are no words to express how livid you are at this moment. You find yourself staring at the "bowl "of water wishing he was using it to extract information for you rather than this!

He raises and disappears for a moment......what he isn't just going to leave you laying here exposed. Is he? You try to sit up to see if you can pull your suit on to cover yourself.

"No don't I'm not finished. Take my arm I need to set you up." He holds his arm out in front of you. No you don't want to touch him it's back enough he's touching you. You fold your arm over your chest even though it sends pain shooting down your body to prove the point. "Fine have it your way." He leans over you taking hold of your arms lifting you enough to scoop is arm under your shoulder pulling towards him. Oh my god is he......hugging you!

"I don't know why you have to make this so difficult." Oh, son of a bitch, you think about biting the shoulder that your cheek is being held to but you imagine him dropping you and the thought of hitting the ground brings tears to your eyes. He is awkwardly lifting pulling your suit out from under you. What is he doing? Oh, stars that hurt!

"Stop..." You gasp in agony, you find yourself wrapping your arms around him, trying to get the pain to stop. You were now let out a colorful rainbow of curse words.

"We are almost done." He says as if to comfort you. What the hell is he doing? In your pain you end up burying your face in his neck it was oddly comforting and you hated that fact too. With a huff he lowers you down to the ground; again he seems to be taking great pains to be gentle; which at this moment you are grateful for. Once back in place he wraps you up in what would appear to be a big thick coat. It was thicker than your jumpsuit not that you were cold but it was providing a bit of cushioning against the hard ground. You were almost on the cusp of thanking him.....no....no we won't be doing that. There would be no thanking!

Wait where was he going with your jumpsuit?

"Hey, give that back." You yell after him. He stops and looks at you like you were crazy.

"I'm going to wash this pathetic excess for a uniform for you." He goes to turn but you yell for him to stop again. Your most treasured possession was in the pocket.

"Inside pocket there is a data chip. I need it." He digs in removing the precious like chip and you feel your heart seize. No one touches that chip. You broke a guy's nose ones when he dared to take it as a joke. From that day on no one......no one touched your data chip. You watch him as he studies it. Your face must have shown your concern because he quickly moves to place it in your hand. You let out a jagged breath not realizing until that moment you had stopped breathing the moment he touched your chip.
With that, he was gone. Your body ached and you were all tired out after the unrequested bath. You try not to think about how soon you will likely be picked up by some First Order transport. From there who knows what you'll face. Probably torture, it's probably why he's keeping you live. So he can let someone do the dirty work of questioning you later. You were a bit surprised they hadn't found you yet. The General was a powerful man surely squadrons would be arriving to search the planet. You start to get nervous at your prospects. You hold your chip a little tighter. For you baby, I could take it, whatever they throw at me. Despite your best efforts you start to doze off until you hear a rustling in the nearby patch of bushes. Then you see it one of those tiny creatures he had mentioned. It was cute. It stops and stares at you as you stare back at it, your eyes slowly closing sleep claiming your exhausted body again.

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