Untitled Part 3

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"Oh kriff stop, stop I can't take any more." General Jerkface insisted on moving around your legs and arms to 'restoring movement' as he calls it. He was a general, not a medic you had no confidence that his treatment was helping you in any way other than causing you pain. Ha, maybe this is his attempt to extract information from you. The only problem he's not asking you any question.

"Just five more. You can do it. This will help make you strong again." You snarl as he bends your right knee pushing it up to your chest.

"Ah, kriffing hell, I hate you." He releases his hold gentle pulling you leg straight ignoring you and repeating the process. When he's done he gives you more water well your arms and legs burn from the exercise. You were on day three. Three days you have been forced to rely on this man for everything. You were starting to slowly regain your strength but not fast enough for your liking. You release an exasperated sigh as you try to think of anything other than the pain radiation through you limbs thanks to that ginger devil before you.

"If I had any form of painkillers I would give them to you." He kneels beside you he looks pensive like he's trying to think of some sort of way to help ease your pain. Then with no warning, he lifts you from the ground.

"What are you doing?" You growl "Put me down." Oh stars what is he doing? He ignores your questions again. He moves a bit into the forest when you see the river he had told you about. You know you were past the illusion of modesty. He had already seen you are naked but still, that didn't stop what was happening from embarrassing you so that you once again wish you had died in the crash. You couldn't even look at him as he removed your clothes or his own for that matter. He chuckled you presume he finds your attempt to avoid his naked form amusing. "I assure you I don't look any different than your resistance fellows without my uniform" still you avert your eyes. In the back of your mind, you start trying to remember that last time a man was naked in your presence. It had been what five....no six years now. He moved to pick you up again in his arms. Your tanned skin clashing against his white chest. Man, he needed some sun. The cool water did feel good on your aching muscles. He gently positioned you so that you could sit on your own. Moving away he bathes nearby well you examined the environment letting the water do it job easing your pain. It came as a tiny bit of a shock when he moved closer to you and start gently wetting your hair.

"Soon you will able to move. I have a plan." You tilt your head down as he works on your hair. The cool water along with his finger running through your hair was having a stocking relaxing effect on you. "We will make our way down the river. Hopefully, in a few days, we will find a town, we can barter our way off the planet." Again the same question pops into your mind why hasn't he been picked up yet. Every time you question him you received no real answer. He would use the excuse of going to get firewood or check his traps as a way to escape her. Well, he couldn't run away from you now. He wouldn't abandon you alone in the water.

"General Hux why haven't you been picked you up yet?" His fingers stop dead in your hair. "I would think such a high ranking member would be a priority."

"Why hasn't the resistance picked you up yet?" He said almost in a whisper as he resumes working on your hair.

"Well for one I disobey a direct order to pursue you. I crashed in a first order system and well I'm nobody. Heck, I'm not even a very good pilot. No one is coming to get me." He gently brings more water allowing it to run down my hair. Speaking this sad truth out loud had hit you harder than you thought it would. A single tear escapes you eye running down your cheek, "They presume I'm dead and if I'm not I will be soon."

Over the last three days, he had come to admire his unlikely companion. Hux had a knack at seeing potential in people. It helped him with his job greatly, having the ability to spot those with the inherent ability to succeed enabled him to push forward the best making the First Order all the stronger for it. He sees a strength within her that he doesn't even think she's aware of. He admires her will; though she is no closer to trusting him. Her hatred for him doesn't seem to be relenting either. She has stopped flinching when he pulls out his blade to slice the fruit and she would speak to he so small steps. He was now enjoying that fact that she was clearly relaxed as he cleaned her hair. He chooses this moment to enlighten her to his plan. He's hoping with the exercise they were doing they would be on there way in a few days, a week at the most. They would undoubtedly move slowly at first, but he was confident they would find means to get to the outer rim. To a neutral area from where she would likely go on her back to her life. She's an attractive woman surely there is a partner missing her or at least he tells himself that she has a beau waiting for her. It helps to keep his thought from becoming too inappropriate.

She again questions his lack of rescue. He should just tell her but again he finds he deflects the question. To his horror, he sees a tear run down her cheek as she confesses the reasons she wouldn't be saved. Sentiment was not something he was accustomed to dealing with, a gentleman should offer comfort to a distort woman but he was unsure on what to say. Well, he knew this would be the optimum moment to tell her the truth of his situation but still he wasn't ready to say it. Instead, he said something about getting her out of the water before she gets too cold.

He notices her movement is slowly improving as he helps her dress. "I'm going to check the traps." He wants to get away before she starts questioning him again.

"Just promises me one thing." She calls after him causing him to stop in his tracks. "Before I'm executed well you let me watch the video on my data chip."

"The First Order doesn't normally offer the luxury of a final request." Her jaw goes rigid and her eyes harden. "But I give you my word I will do everything in my power for you should that situation arise." He makes his escape. He turning his attention to his traps. He had meant it too if they did end up in the hands of the First Order he would do what he could for her. He moves through the woods hoping that his traps have yielded something, anything. The fruit was doing the job but he really wanted something with a bit more sustenance for them both, forces knows she could use some protein.

He made his way to his last trap to find at last he had prevailed and had captured one of those creatures. He has quite proud of himself. He was on his way back and it took him a moment to realize something was different. It was the light, for the first time since they arrived the sky had clouded over with dark grey clouds. He needs to hurry they were going to get rain and from those clouds a lot!

There was no way he would be able to build a structure to protect them at the campsite. Her crashed ship was the closest. He gathered what he can promising her he would be right back. He arrived at her ship, he takes the tarps he found in the first order wreckage, he'd been using them for his bed allowing the girl to keep his thicker coat; he places it alone the wing. Luckily there was some large rock close by to help hold it in place. He feels the first drop as he tosses wood into the makeshift shelter to keep dry. He makes his way back to her.....her three days and he still hadn't received her name!

She looks panicky when he returns, she releases a shaky breath when she sees him. She must have thought he was abandoning her. A roll of thunder sounds overhead. He doesn't waste another moment her grabs what food and small supplies he can placing them on her stomach as he picks her up his giant coat and all. "We can make it." He said loud more to himself than her. He pushes forward the rain starting to really come down. He gets them into the shelter wet but they were out of the rain.

He was working on skinny the beast the fire was now warming them. "Thank you," she whispered so softly he wondered if he imagined it. "Thank you for coming back for me." She says a bit louder. He wanted to point out that he had no intention of leaving her out there. He wanted to tell her that her wellbeing was his top priority, instead, he only replies.

"Your welcome."

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