Untitled Part 8

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"I can't eat another bite!" Hux sets his plate done on the coffee table sitting back his hand going to his stomach, he looks completely content reminder her of what her mother used to say. "Dearest, men are like cats if you keep their bellies full they will always return home." That hadn't worked for her though.

She was young with an unrealistic illusion of what love was, accompanied with big dreams of being a star. He was a manager at one of the clubs she and her band performed at. Before she knew it she was pregnant and married, in that order, but she committed completely, pushed aside her dreams of fame and was in it 100%. Completely determined to be the best wife and mother and for a short time they were happy, but it didn't last and it didn't matter if she had plates full of food waiting for him or a clean house. Her nights were soon spent pacing the floor with a newborn in her arms waiting for him to come home. Then the rumors started, people whispering behind her back about what her husband was doing. It all came to an ugly head when her son was six months old, and he just walked away that night. She receives divorce paper a month later. Visitation was arranged but that only last until he met his new wife and started his new family. Her son wasn't even two when he stopped seeing him. She was just thankful that her boy was too young to remember any of it. It was easier than having to try to explain to him why his father didn't want to see him. In her opinion, it was his loss anyways. Her son was a miracle. He was the one good thing that comes out of a disastrous relationship.

So at the tender age of 20, she was back home with an infant and a broken heart, with a mother that felt the need to remind her that in her day people didn't just divorce their husband, throwing salt in the wound as only her mother could.

The bandmates she abandoned in time came to forgave her and Somber Skies was reborn, she poured that pain into her music and with hard work, support of her viper-tongued mother and the new goal to provide a good life for her son, they made it! They made it all the way to the core.

"How are you feeling, do you need anything?" Hux's question snapped her out of her pensive state, her plate sat with half an uneaten sandwich that she wishes to finish but she too was simply too full. "Are you in pain?" Hux was up removing the plate from her lap, kneeling before her concern when she doesn't answer. "It is a bit early but you could take some more pain medication if you need it." She shakes her head, in truth her ribs were throbbing but it was more of an irritant than actual pain at this point. "I wish you would speak to me." He pleaded sadly.

"What could we possibly talk about?" They made it back to civilization, on a First Order run planet. She knew enough to know how this was going to play out. Soon she would be in an interrogation chair.

"Tell me about your band." No, if she talks about them, she'll have to talk about him and she just can't. She pushes the image of the little six-year-old smiling face from her mind.

"They're dead, what more is there to say." He was too close to her, it was making her feel uncomfortable.

"Likely a lot is left to be said," he grumbles, part of her almost took pity on him but there was no point in becoming friendly.

"I would rather talk about what happens now?" Was she going to go to a prison? Would she get a trail of some sort?

"In all honesty, I don't know. I am in no rush to return. I suppose you will want to return to the resistance once you are well enough." What? He was going to let her go back! He looked at her with a look like a puppy dog.

"I didn't realize that would be an option." Was he truly going to let her just leave?

"Well, that's one of my least favorite outcomes but it would be better for you than if the First Order where to find us." Hux had paused he fiddled with the seam of the sofa. "I was hoping that.....well perhaps you would consider possibly coming with me." She wasn't expecting this, as she watched a rosy color tinted the man's cheeks as he continues speaking in a smaller voice, "Find a safe planet that is neutral...we could disappear." What was he imagining? That they would just turn their backs on everything? That they would walk away together hand in hand and start a new life? He continued rambles on, "I had a lot of time to think about it. I have some money hidden away. I could get a place, I could take care of you" He's insane! She has no idea how to respond to this extremely odd turn of events.

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