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I'm remodeling this whole story because I finally have a set plan for it. New readers just ignore the first sentence. But yeah.


Castiel's POV-

~beep, beep, beep~

My alarm goes off. Please. Life. No. Nope. I don't want to go to school. I roll over, pulling my blanket over my head. Gabe walked in, telling me to get up. I made a dying whale noise and rolled off of my bed, onto the floor, and under my bed.

    "Castiel, please. Don't so this today." Gabe said, laying on his stomach so he could see me.

    "Leave my presence until you come bearing gifts of nutella or lemonade. Peasant." I stated, pulling my phone to me by the charger cord. I open my tumblr dash and there's nothing new. How rude. I guess Gabriel didn't feel like arguing because he came in silently and slid a chocolate chip waffle smothered in nutella under my bed along with a small glass of milk. Bless him.

Now I have to go to hell *cough* I mean school. I finish my food, drink my milk and crawl out from under my bed. I look down. I need to put on pants. I swear i was wearing pants when I went to bed last night.... Oh well.

I pick up my skinny jeans off of the floor, and buckle my Doctor Who seat-belt belt. I walk over to my dresser and pull open the top drawer, pulling out an iPad case, a copy of The Fault in Our Stars that I "borrowed", miscellaneous CD cases, and a shoe. I throw these objects on the floor and pull out a pair of socks and my WTNV "All hail the glow cloud" shirt. I unlock my iPad and turn on WTNV (Welcome To Night Vale). Did you know there's a faceless old woman that secretly lives in your home? Weird. After falling on my face three times trying to put on my socks and shoes, I grab my backpack and walk downstairs. I think today might actually be a good day. Maybe.

    "Gaybriel, please come out." I yell to the evil entity that is my brother, because we're going to be late and I don't know where he is.

    "Sush your face Fagstiel." He laughed, throwing bread at me. I cringe at the name, but laugh it off. He was joking, calm down.

    "How rude." I said, eating the bread and walking outside. It's cold. Ohio pls. Don't do the thing. The fact that I live really close to the school and lack motor transportation means I have to walk to school. Off in the distance you could hear a low rumbling. It was progressively getting closer, louder. It was a car. I turn to look and I stop dead in my tracks. It wasn't just anyone's random ass car. It was a 1967 Chevy Impala. I only know one person who owns one. Him. That car belongs to Dean Winchester. I'd heard buzzing around school that he was coming back, I just didn't think it was true. I spent four years with Dean, hanging out and doing what friends do. We hung out at his uncle Bobby's house (where he lived) with his brother Sam. After 7th grade ended, he left. I never knew why. He didn't even give me a goodbye. That damn car. All those summer afternoons I spent watching Dean and Bobby work on it, trying to restore it. All that damn time I wasted. My vision got blurry and I felt my body start so sway.

    "Castiel!" Gabriel shouted, shaking me gently. Not again. I thought I grew out of these episodes. I take a second and look at my surroundings and that fucking Impala is stopped. Shit. He's getting out. Goddamn episodes. Dean jogs up to Gabe and myself.

    "Shit, hey man. You alright?" He says. He looks at me and stops. I'm going to be sick. Dean took a long, drawn out breath.

    "Cas." He breathed out.

    "Hello Dean." I whispered, putting my head down. Dean said something to Gabriel and he walked over to Dean's car, getting in the backseat. Oh god. I'm going to have an anxiety attack. Oh god no. Fuck.

    "Cas. Hey. Calm Down. Look at me. Cas. Calm down." Dean said, grabbing my chin and tilting my face so I'd have to look at him.

    "No." I said, pulling out of Dean's grasp. By now I was crying and hyperventilating. Dean tried to wipe my face but I jerked away from him.

    "Get away from me!" I yelled. He grabbed my wrist, I tried to pull away but couldn't.

    "Dean let me go!" I screamed, still trying to pull away from him. I can't do this. He tightened his grip on my arm and I yelped in pain. I needed to get away so I punched him in the nose, It started bleeding and he let go of me. Here's my chance. Once he released my arm I grabbed my bag and I started running. I ran as fast as my legs could manage. I heard that car speeding after me. I veered off into the park and into the woods. I tripped over a log and hit the ground. I rolled over onto my back and cried. I don't know how much longer I can do this.


So what'd ya think? Comment your thoughts, or simply just vote if you liked it!!

Peace out bitches,


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