~Part 6~

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~Part 6~

"You can't do this to me! It's inhumane! I won't even be myself without my memories!" I head for the door.

The guard blocks it. ''We're sorry Vala, but you shouldn't have gone snooping. Now have you told anyone else?" the Head General asks.

"No. Just me." I lie.

"Then we will go through with the swipe." the other General states.

"No! I'm not going through with it!" I fight to get passed the guard, but he's taller and stronger than me.

"Tomorrow morning after morning bunker checks. You won't remember anything passed age 10." the General Officer says with sympathy in his voice. "We will re-teach you the rules, and take you through multiple training sessions a day until you're caught up. You are dismissed."

The guard moves and I stomp out the door, swiping everything off the General Officer's desks in the process. I slam the door hard.

I immediately go to Gales cabin. "Gale?! Gale!" I look through the bunker, but can't find him anywhere. I search everywhere in my panic. Pushing away anything and everyone in my path. I run across the training yard and bust into the boys locker room. There's two guys standing at the mirrors shaving and some others in the shower rooms. Thank God they're out of sight. The two guys at the sinks start letting out cat calls and whistling. Then I hear it come all the back of the showers.

"Gale?!'' I shout loud.

"Gale! You're girlfriends here!'' one of the boys at the mirror teases.

I see Gale appear from around the corner, fully clothed , drying his hair. "Gale! I need you! Now!"

"Ooooo. Gales gunna get some." one of the boys shout.

"Screw you." Gale yells back.

Gale runs up to me and pulls me out of the shower room. "What is it?'' he asks.

"The General Officers..... they- they.. they want me to go through a memory swipe.. because I found that hole in the south wall and I can't Gale! I'll forget you and everything past 10 years old! You gotta help me Gale!" I throw myself into his arms crying.

He lightly strokes my hair. "Shhh. It's okay. It's going to be okay. We'll get out of here."

"How? I mean we had a plan but no time to plan step by step! I have til 9 a.m. tomorrow!" I cry.

"We'll get you out of here. Somehow. I promise." he kisses my forehead and holds me a little tighter.

What would I do without this kid?

   ~   ~   ~   NEXT DAY   ~   ~   ~

"Vala. Vala wake up." I wake up to Gale shaking me.

"W- What?" I try to fix my eyes and look at the clock. 5 a.m.

"I have a plan.. let's go." he takes my hand and leads me to the corner where the South and East wall connect.

"What? What's your plan?" I say excitedly.

"Alright,.. it's going to sound crazy, but here it is." he takes a deep breath and looks at me with some fear in his eyes.

"What is it Gale?"

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