~Part 7~

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~ Part 7 ~ Valas P.O.V ~

"What is it Gale?" I ask.

"We... we lie to them. The girls Head General caught us talking the other night and thought we were 'meeting up', right?" he gets a worried look on his face. I just nod.

"Yeah, so what's your point?" I ask.

"We lie to them... we tell the you're pregnant."

I throw my hand over my mouth. "Oh my God Gale!"

"Think about it! They'll send the mother," he points to me. "and the father," he gestures to himself. "to the hospital in the city to have a test done. And when they do, we escape."

"I can't tell that big a lie Gale!" I protest.

"Vala Mininger. Please report to the Head Generals office. Thank you that is all." the P.A. system seemed louder than ever before. The request rang in my ears. This is it. Goodbye to the old me.

"I have to go Gale." I hug him and kiss his cheek. I turn to walk away, and he grabs my arm.

"Let me come with you. I want to be there once you wake up." he asks.

"Okay." I nod and take his hand.

We walk up to the green building again and enter silently. We sit down and wait until the General Officers come around the corner. "He can't be in here." the girls General Officer states.

"Look, he won't tell anyone. I just want him to be here when I wake up. Everybody knows about the memory swipe anyways." I say blandly.

"Just let him stay." the boys General Officer chimes in. "Let's go."

I hang my head as Gale and I follow him to a small back room. The room was silver and there was a chair in the center of the room. It sort of looked like a dental chair, but it was all silver and had a cap that goes over your head attached to it. I cringe at the sight of all the needles on the table next to the chair. The girls General Offcer gestures to it. I reluctantly walk over and sit back in it.

A young blonde woman in a white lab coat comes out of a camoflauged door and started adjusting wires. "This may hurt for a second." she mumbles just loud enough for me to hear. I look up at her to see what she is talking about, but then I feel a jolt of pain from the other side of me. I whip my head around and see a huge needle stuck in my arm with green liquid in it. It hurt for more than a second. It was a fat needle and hurt like hell. They pull the needle out slowly, which made it hurt worse. 

They young blonde woman put a cap on my head, then lowered what looked like an old salon hair dryer into my head. "We are ready to begin." the woman said. She moved over to a wall and started pressing buttons all over the wall. On the wall in front of me in green letters the words 'Memory Swipe Activated' appeared. The young woman brought a thick cape from a closet and put it around my neck. It went all the way down to my knees and stopped. "Umm, whats this tarp thing for?" I ask.

"Radiation. It can damage your reproductive system." she states blandly as she walks back over to the wall and pulls out a panel with a large red button on it. She turns to face Gale. "Anything you'd like to say to Miss. Mininger before we go through with the swipe?" 

Gale walks over to the chair and kneels down. He takes my hand and whispers. "I promise I'll be right here when you wake up." I feel tears start to run down my face. He lightly wipes them with his thumb. "You'll still remember me a little. You'll have memories from age 10 and under. We've been friends way longer than that.''

"Wait!" I shout. "This won't change my personality will it?!" 

"There's no way to tell." the girls General Officer says.

"Either way, I'll be here. No matter what you say or do, I promise, I won't leave your side." he stands up and lightly kisses my lips. 

Great. He has to go do something like that, right when I'm about to lose everything. He is my everything. He's made me who I am, now I'm going to lose everything we've ever been through. It will change my personality... I can't do this. I can't. 

"Wait!" I try to sit up, but the head gear holds me down in place. "Wait! You can't! I'm- I'm...." I try to fight off the wires, but they don't budge. 

"Vala, just stop fighting it." One of the General Officers says.

"No.. I'm.. I'm.." What do I say? 

"Memory swipe activated." I hear the machine say.

"Wait! I'm pregnant! I have to get out of here!" I try to fight off the wires.

The General Officers eyes get huge. ''What did she say?"

I see Gales face go pale with surprise. He runs over and starts to rip the wires off me. "You heard her! Get her out of here! NOW!" he shouts. 

I look over and see the young woman pressing buttons try to end the process. "The kill code!" I hear one of the Officers yell. 

"What is it?" the young woman shouts. They don't know the kill code? They run the machine and they don't know the freaking kill code? I squirm and reach for wires, but I feel a huge jolt of pain in my head.

"Ouch! What the hell is going on?!" I yell.

"It's starting." I hear a voice say in panic. 

I see everyone in the room gathering around me trying to find a way to stop the machine. "Don't let her black out!" I hear another voice say.

Things start to get blurry and I can't hear anyone unless they are really close to me. I see Gale appear. "Vala, you have to stay awake." he lightly taps my cheek. "Don't give in. Fight it!" But I can't. I hear the machine die right as my entire world goes black along with it.

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