~Part 13~

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"Recent reports speak of a breakout in the city." A familiar news lady says quickly and worried. 

I pull away from Gale. "A breakout? Of criminals?" I look at him worried.

"The population of sicklies have increased by over 60% in the past two days." she reported. "Trainees from Jr. Base Military Academies have been loaded up and released into the city to contain the virus."

"Jr. Base Military Academy." I heard Gale whisper. 

"Which joints?" I ask the TV. 

"The bases only let out half of their trainees due to the contamination. Those including base camps, 12, 34, and 62." she said.

"62. That's us." Gale looked at me wide eyed as the train slammed to a stop slinging us onto the bed. 

"What's going on?" I jump up and run to the window to see Jr. Soldiers crossed the tracks and circling the train.

The captain steps out of the front cart with his arms raised as the trainees point their guns at him. "EMPTY THE TRAIN!" I hear one of the soldiers yell. 

Out the window I could see pregnant girls filing out. "That means us too." Gale whispered putting his hand on my hip and lightly pushing me toward our door. We walk slow and steadily staying against the walls, careful not to alarm a gunman that could possibly be around the corner. 

"Is that all?" The trainee asks as Gale and I step into the dim moonlight. 

"Yes, that's the last of them." he says quietly. 

The lead trainee guestures his gun to the line of girls,... and Gale. The trainee moved over to 8 and a half month pregnant Vanessa and started searching her while his other 14 followers came to the other girls and Gale and I. Gale and I spread our legs and put our hands in the air like we learned in training.

"Where have you guys been?" The trainee asked.

The familiar voice rang in my ears, and I felt my mouth drop open. ''Vivien?''

"Shh. Don't say my name too loud. Now where have you been?" she whispered as she fake-checked me.

''We lied to get Vala out of a memory swipe.'' Gale said not making eye contact.

''Oh my God, so you guys have no clue whats been going on in the city." she looked at us through her face mask, all I could see were her deep gray eyes, troubled and scared. 

''No... whats been-" 

''Soldier!" the lead trainee inturrupted. "Are they clear."

"Yes sir. Clear." she reported in a robot voice. She looked at us. ''Get out of here whenever you get the chance. Everyone is going to die.'' she said sadly.

I imagined scary music playing in the background if this were a movie, but it's not. It's so much more. I wasn't dreaming. This was happening. Something huge was happening. Vivien doesn't over react like that. Something was seriously wrong.

Vivien backed up and aligned with the rest of the trainees. I recognized two more people, then two more, then another two. These were base 62 trainees. But who was the leader? The leader came backed up and stood next to Vivien. He raised his gun and shot directly over Gales shoulder, I was sure Gale could feel the wind off his bullet. 

"What the hell is wrong with you soldier?!" I protest. "Who are you to lead these trainees if..." I trailed off looking at the eyes under the mask. One was slightly purple and blue underneath. Kendal Rogers. Gale had punched him in the eye.

"Who are you to be questioning me... citizen." he said the last part real slowly making fire flow through me.

With him least expecting it, I swiped his gun out of his hands, and as he reached to grab it, brought a kick around, fast and swift to the head. Making him fall. "I'm not just some citizen Kendal." I bend down and grab his chin, making him face me. "I'm Vala Mininger soldier 12576. And you know that.'' I drop his chin and watch all his 'followers' back up a step. 

I turn to Gale who had a crooked grin on his face with one eyebrow cocked. The girls were looking at me astonished. I shrugged and moved back over to Gale. Kendal got back up and pointed his gun at me angrily. "Come on Kendal." Gale put his hand out. "You wouldn't kill a pregnant woman." 

Viviens eyes got huge at the same time as Kendals. "No." he pointed the gun at Gale. "But I can kill you."

Vivien put a hand on his shoulder. ''Woah Kendal! This is not a part of our assignment!'' she exclaimed.

''We who says it can't be?'' he pointed his gun at Vivien. 

''Kendal. What are you doing?'' I asked cautiously.

''Taking back our country.'' he says in an odd, happy voice. ''And I need you, to do it.'' Kendal smiles and grabs me around the waist yanking me over next to him. I'm sure to keep my hands in the air. One wrong move could risk my life and my....baby's.... life. 

Kendal looks around noddly eagerly and smiling. Something was wrong with him. He was going crazy. Fading from his own... sanity. Oh my gosh. He's sick. I push away from him and hit the ground, all the other girls mimicking me. "He's sick!" I shout. 

All at once 14 guns shot up sending 14 bullets through the air and over our heads. All I saw was Kendal fall to the ground with a loud thud directly in front of me. Viviens hand reached out for me and I took it and helped myself up, then turned to help Gale up. The chilly air sent shivers down my back as I looked into the dark deserted land. ''Get out of here Vala. If anyone can make it out there, it's you and Gale.'' Vivien said intently.

''What do you mean?'' I ask confused. 

''I think it's probably best that I don't tell you what's happening. Just go. Go now.'' she reach down and took Kendals jacket off him and handed it to Gale, then took hers off and handed it to me. She turned to Gale, ''Protect her. No matter what it takes.'' 

Gale nodded and took the heavy jacket, putting it on his bare back. ''You'll probably sweat after awhile, but for now keep that on so you don't get sick.'' her eyes got shiny as she hugged me. ''Now go.''

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