Day 7

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„Haven't heard of Kirishima in a while." I wonder sitting on the chair in our small kitchen, one hand leaning against my cheek with my elbow on the table, the other holds my phone, scrolling through social media. A pretty neutral, if not bored look on my face gets shined on with a blue whitish color from my screen, while Sero walks in from the living room, followed by Ashido.

„Who?" He asks pecking between his teeth with his pinky finger, while holding Ashido's hand slightly. She follows inside, peaks above my shoulder to see what I'm looking at.
„Isn't that this weird confused boy who appeared here like a few days ago?" She mentions looking over to Sero, who simply shrugs his shoulders while pulling out some milk out of the fridge, slamming it closed again. My bored face turns into concern. I didn't know he showed up in front of my door a few days ago, Sero didn't feel like telling me and I didn't receive any texts from him.

I'm not being rude when I think that I didn't feel like texting him daily either, right? I told him I'll help, but not hearing from him didn't touch me as much as it maybe should've. Our theories were that he is probably paranoid, but the fact that he didn't text me since- maybe a week, makes me think heavier. The thought of my second theory being true just gives me the creepiest chills.

My phone drops out of my hand, down to the table, making Sero and Ashido pay all their attention to me. Breathing heavily, my eyes go round, staring against the door to the living room. Both of them give me some confused glances, expecting me to share my thoughts.

„Don't tell me you left the bong at Jirou's place..." Sero crosses his arms and his eyelids droop directly. I frown in response and press my lips together.

„No you ugly ass junkie. I need to leave, now."

„What do you mean now!? It's almost 1AM! Where do you think you're heading!?" Ashido starts bossing me around again, as always. How could I expect that I would get along with Sero's girlfriend being here all the fucking time? I roll my eyes back while standing up and heading for the front door of our dorm.

„I need to talk to someone." I answer determined, maybe too determined.
„Is the person awake?"
„Stop asking me shit!" Quickly, I try leaving the apartment without them being able to ask me more stuff. Gasping, I lean my head against the door and start thinking.

Kirishima hasn't been replying to anything I sent him today. His appointment with the therapist was about a week ago or something. I expected him to tell me how the therapist helps him and what's going to happen next, but he didn't. I had so many other things on my mind, I didn't completely thought about texting him and now that I think about it, it may have been the biggest mistake of my life. Maybe also the fact that I haven't been taking him as serious as I should have. And now I feel extremely bad, because the thought of something actually occurring to him drums in my head.

Breathing in and out, I decide to head for his room. Other side of the building, number 122. 122. I still remember it. 122. I walk faster, my skinny legs wander over the carpet, over to the common area, where a few people still sit and nod as a greeting. Then I'm finally there, gasping and not feeling ready to knock and find out the truth. The best thing to happen is that he opens the door a few seconds after I knocked and tells me to fuck off tiredly. Or maybe- no, he'd ask if something's wrong. That's what he would do. But after imagining this, I can't think of it being true at all. More like- the thing that's least possible to happen.

I lean my head against the door and bite my bottom lip, staring at the ground conflicted. Then, I collect my bravery and knock. For at least ten seconds, nothing. He probably just sleeps, but I need to know for sure, so I knock again. Finally, after half a minute, the door opens and an unwanted surprise hits me. It's Kirishima's roommate Tetsutetsu. When I imagined Kirishima looking tired, I was exaggerating. But this guy is the definition of looking tired! It's barely 1AM and he looks at me as if I've woken him up from a whole ass winter nap!

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