Night 295

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The still light sky of the outside world blends my sight, gives me some sort of stroke, which flows through my eyes, down to my body. I see trees, actual trees. Bushes, a street- and houses. It's a completely normal neighborhood. A few cars stand on the other side, parked in front of regular family houses. The wind directly blows inside the hallway of Bakugou's home and whirls my now short hair around my head. Closing my eyes, I breathe in the actual fresh air from outside. It's cold, but very comfortable. Feels like a usual summer night next to my own family's house. With a smile I open my eyes again and tilt my head back to Bakugou, who on one side seems very nervous, but as soon as he sees me, a jerk turns his frown into a soft smile.

„Come on, my car's there." He lays his hands on my shoulders, grabs onto them a little and pushes me further out. As soon as my feet touch the outside flagstone, he lets go and I stand on the front entry. Breathing a little faster, I move my head slowly from one side to the other, carefully, so Bakugou wouldn't suspect anything. Slowly, I turn around and smile grateful.

„It's there." With a smirk and closer confident eyes, he walks outside his house, hands inside his pants and begins to head for a grey Mercedes standing close to the house. I follow him, feel the fresh air and smell the slight smell of gas, grass and the dusk. On my way to Bakugou's car, my emotions get a heavy grip on me, triggering me to even let out a tear of joy. Am I the first one to change ones kidnapper's personality and make him trust me?

The moment we get inside the car, I begin to remember so many memories. My first time in the front seat, first time stealing the car to get to a party which was too far away, first lesson, first fail and my first car, which I only drove three months. My emotions begin to again take over me, but with a harsh breath I calm myself down.

„Are you okay? Do you need something?" Bakugou asks as he plugs his belt in.

„Oh- no, I really couldn't be happier right now." I answer honestly and touch around the leather seat without looking Bakugou into his eyes. I feel that he gets calmer himself and even smiles.

„We're driving to an Italian place, hope that's okay."

„Sure, I really don't mind anything." He now acts a little more quiet than usual. Wondering, I look over to him, but his head turns to the side of his window and hinders me to see his expression. Brows raise, my bottom lip rolls out. „Something wrong?"

„The fact you said you don't mind anything- makes me consider doing what I actually wanted to do." A sudden shock flows through my body and I begin to hyperventilate without knowing what's wrong. Before I could ask anything, he turns around and grabs for my wrists.

„BAKUGOU??" I scream out and twist my face, trying to defend myself from the sudden grab. His face is serious, as if he intends something dire. But the grip around my wrists is so strong, that I don't know how to free myself without somehow breaking my bones. With tears in my eyes, I stop to resist, but move my head as far away from him as possible, almost smearing it against the window.
I feel a cold, hard object rubbing against my wrists and the second I open my eyes, my hands are cuffed to the seat.

„No!! W-Why???" I begin to whine and rattle around, trying desperately to free myself, when Bakugou rapidly leans over to me again and begins to try and put on a blindfold around my face. I whirl my head around, try to somehow escape the attempt, but without success. He grabs my head tight, presses it against the window and starts wrap the cloth around my eyes. As soon as he finishes, he lets go of me and leans against his seat, breathing quickly, while I whine in fear.

„I need you- to stay calm." He then gasps out.

„Stay calm??? H- why are you... doing this??"

11 Months and 17 DaysWhere stories live. Discover now