Day 295

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Though Bakugou promised me to get out on the next day, he has been waiting a few more- many more. And I have to admit, that the time I've been spending in this house, patiently waiting for him to enter the room and smile, greeting me with the message that we're heading outside, made me lose a lot of hopes.

Sitting straight in the room he gave me, I keep staring at the door, kneeing on the ground with my hands on my slim thighs. I gained weight, I started to work out during the time he wasn't visiting me and my body feels its usual strength coming back slowly.

I don't wonder why Bakugou is afraid to keep his promise and why he comes inside my room twice a day, not looking me in the eyes while he hands me over the plastic plate with fresh vegetables and some meal. He kidnapped me, fell in love, wants to have a normal relationship, wants to let me out with him, be proud to walk with a normal person, but- he kidnapped me. I'm a victim of violence, mild rape and abuse.
He lets me out: I run, I scream, I search for help.
There's too much risk of him trusting me if we actually go outside. And I don't know what to think of it. Understandable, but disappointing- for some reason. Because I love him.

„Kirishima." His soft voice fills the quiet room, my screaming thoughts. With a slight blink, I wake myself from my own thought labyrinth and look him in the eyes softly, eyes tenderly narrowing to a slightly opened slit.

„Hey." I answer way too calmly, a smile even forms on my face. He just needs to know that he can trust me. That's what I think, but should he actually? What am I thinking myself? Would I run?

„Are you hungry?" He crosses his wide arms in front of his well trained body, which is covered by soft looking dark blue fabric that swathes around his thick neck, leading down to laying tightly around his waist, leading to some dark grey suit pants. His hair is soft and washed, his face a little pale and tired, but he's as beautiful as ever.

„Not at all." I lie and smile. I'm still always hungry, that wouldn't change.


„W-wait, why??" He gets red and his eyes suddenly open wider than expected. His easy taking posture of leaning against the threshold loses up, beginning to look stiff and nervous.

„I ugh. I planned to maybe go to a special restaurant with you."

My eyes rip open. The calmness I thought I had vanishes, my mind is blank, only filled with fear and unexpectedness.

„A restaurant?" I repeat with a shaking voice, licking my lips and blinking several times to actually realize reality.

„Yes. Tonight, 7 pm. I would like to cut your hair and put you under the shower before leaving. I have a suit for you and perfume, some new shoes-" The softness so unfamiliar, the caring and that very slight smile while talking makes me feel incredibly weird. My kidnapper is taking me out for dinner.

„Sounds... perfect." I answer not lying. His smile widens, his one arm glides over his chest until it wraps around the triceps of his other arm and a shy expression covers his beautifully carved face.

„Well, good then. You want to shower now? It's already 5 pm."


After the shower, Bakugou knocks on the bathroom door. The fact that he leaves me alone while showering shows me some kind of respect and improvement in his personality. I am very glad he decided to trust me completely.

„You can come in." I smile a little, biting on my bottom lip and trying to hide the unwanted happy expression. Not even a second later, the doorknob turns and the head I've been seeing daily peaks in. He looks at me, standing in front of the long mirror with a towel wrapped around my waist, showing my upper body to him, his unexpected glance reassures that both of us realize that I wasn't scared to actually show my body out of free will.

„You're beautiful." He whispers a little. I hide a blush.

„You came to cut my hair.." I change subject, looking to the ground while my fingers let a soft strand of my black hair whirl around them. They go down to my shoulder, a little beneath and they're almost completely black. Bakugou once already cut my hair, but it looked stupid and ugly. I hope he learned new techniques.

„I did. Got some hair dye, too. A stinging red with a soft touch of Bordeaux." He pulls out a can behind his back and holds it in my direction. I smile.

„Sounds like my former hair color." I answer biting on my bottom lip again. Bakugou begins to walk inside the room while I search for a chair.

And as soon as I sit and he stands behind me, he begins to comb my hair and softly taking strand by strand to cut it. The feeling is kind of nice, comforting and I feel like my actual partner is cutting my hair, not some psychopath. Smoothly he glides his hand over my head, strokes the skin on top, while also standing very closely to my back, touching it with his crotch. Somehow, it doesn't feel weird.

We had some complications during the hair dying part. Bakugou has never done it, he wasn't sure how to use the gloves, how to color the roots down to the hair ends and it was the funniest time I ever had. Even he let out a giggle.

„You look amazing." Bakugou whispers out slightly as he adjusts the fly of my suit. The black color mixed with the red fly and some black lack leather boots. Slightly I tilt my head back up and look him in the eyes.

„Am I?" I ask quietly, while he keeps his serious look on my fly. His eyes lose focus and wander up to mine, a warm feeling fills my body.

„You have been and will always be the prettiest man alive." Bakugou answers with a serious look, holding his hands on my chest, touching the soft fabric of the suit he gave to me.

„You really changed." it stays silent after that, he still looks at me, but doesn't respond. A layer of fear covers his eyes and they start to shake with shimmer.

„We need to leave, Kirishima." He then says and blinks the focus on my eyes away, breathing out relieved and walks out the room. The movement of his long body combined with the beautiful, almost right laying suit sweeps through the door and vanishes with the blink of an eye. Such a beautiful human being, but so rotten inside, it's sad.

We stand in the hallway, in front of the main door which leads outside, to the world I haven't been to since months. I don't know how many. But by the thermometer I can tell that it's probably summer. Summer. And I've been kidnapped on October 22nd.
I blink several times, perceiving the ridiculous amount of time I spent in this house, living under the same roof as a dead family member of my kidnapper. Luckily, Bakugou started to realize that the cadaver started smelling even for him and a few weeks ago, he got rid of it- finally.

Suddenly I feel a rough touch on both of my suit covered shoulders. My eyes pop up and I stare against the door nervously.

„The Second we go out, you will be silent. You won't say a word. You won't throw your head around, searching or looking for anything. If you do- we'll go back inside that instant and you shouldn't hope for a place upstairs."

The danger in Bakugou's voice makes me worry even more than it should. It already sounds like a death thread. A low sound, coated with a layer of roughness and the roaring coming from deep inside his throat. It scares me a lot. So much, that I start to remember things from months back and my emotional state at that time. It triggers my body and without wanting to, I begin to tremble. My chest de- and inflates in a way too quick temper, my breathing increases and my pupils shake by the look on the doorknob to the outside world.

„It's fine." His voice rips me out. All fears disappear as he softens his touch and begins to stroke the comforting fabric of the suit. „I am sorry. Did not mean to scare you this much, Kirishima. I just want you to be clear about this."

„I am. A lot." I answer quickly, clearing my throat and blinking the left over fear and nervousness away. His hand begins to glide down my shoulder to my back, until it reaches above my butt and softly gets wider. A slight push and his other hand reaches next to me, heading for the knob.

He opens it.

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