Day 352

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I sit at the table in the kitchen at about 8:00AM. The birds outside twitter in various tones with different noises, all greeting me on a sunny October weekend. It's a wonderful day to do absolutely nothing, maybe go out for a walk. A few people walk around campus to trespass into the library for their weekend studies, but I don't need to do any of those.

„Slurping coffee so loud it woke me up, dipshit." The rough morning voice of my roommate wakes me up from my thoughts and with a jerk I put my big cup of coffee on the table, licking my lips.

„Scared me." I answer clearing my throat. My first words of the day came out ore dry than expected. „Mina isn't here." I add and look behind the tall black haired guy, expecting her usual pink hair to fluff up behind him and jiggle around, while she spreads her positivity while everyone else is still dreaming.

„She got mad. And she's on her period."


„As much as I know, girls get their periods once a month, Denki." He mocks me ironically and opens the fridge, bending over a little, since Sero is too tall to stand straight. I'm not.

„I know you twat. But didn't she say the same thing like two weeks ago?"

„Pretty sure that didn't happen. Maybe the last time she got it." I turn my head away from him and look outside, narrowing my eyes.

„Time sure flies by." I answer quietly and lean my cheek against my hand.

„Got any plans?" Sero then asks after getting out some milk and his favorite cereal, putting it right in front of me on the table.



„Maybe investigations!?" He yells out in an excited tone, smacks his hands on the table and stares at me in expectation, while I rip my eyes open and almost get a heart stroke.

„Fuck- no! Nothing."
„Alright whatever." His excitement vanishes in beneath a second and he continues to eat his breakfast.

I begin to walk outside the campus, down to the river, which is nearby. A slight breeze makes my long blonde hair whirl and my eyes tear a little, while I cover my face with the thick scarf I got from Sero for Christmas. While walking close to the river, down a narrow path with a small park next to it, my phone begins vibrating in my pocket.

Thinking it is a usual text from Sero, it's actually a phone call from an unknown number. I crease my forehead and knit my brows, while trying to identify the numbers on my screen. Trying to think of anyone who I didn't save into my contacts, no one comes to mind who has ever called me. Not Tetsutetsu, not Kendo and especially not Shinsou.

What else should I do? I accept the call.

„Kaminari." I answer with my deepest tone and seriousness on the face, only to sound cooler. 

„Oh, hello!" The voice belongs to an old man. Or at least it sounds like that. The surprise in his tone also tells me he thought I wouldn't pick up.

„Yes, hello. Can I- help you?" I ask him and begin to search for a bank I can sit on, if the conversation would go on for a while, which I actually don't think.

„I'm not sure, but maybe I can help you." My eyes widen, blink a couple times while I clear my throat and free my mouth from the thick scarf.

„Help me? Why on earth would I need help?" I grin a little curious and even a little scared. I don't know this man and he wants to suddenly help me.

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