Day 28

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It's been so long. Way too long for me to know. Since there are no windows in this basement, I don't know if it's night or day, I don't know if it's cold or warm, if there's a neighborhood around or if I'm in a completely isolated farm or something. I don't know anything.

And I still don't wear anything except the same underwear from all these hours back. The man insisted for me to call him by his first name and if I feel uncomfortable with it, I should call him Bakugou. He tries to talk to me like a normal person, but each time he comes inside the basement to spend time with me, I get so overly anxious and my body starts trembling, that he doesn't see any pleasure in this.

Maybe I'll be able to show him that I'm not the right person for his sick games. Maybe- god, maybe he'll let me out, once he notices how boring it is hanging out with me in my state. He gave me food only when we played „family". It's a game where he plays the father, mother, sister and- the dog. While I am the son. This game... this game has been if not the most terrifying experience yet. And yesterday, or- I don't know, about ten hours ago, he told me we're going to play it again today.

I fell asleep on the dirty blanket he put on the floor for me. When the door squeaks open, my body winces out of reflex, my heart starts racing again and the shiver covers my whole back, giving me goosebumps. The heavy footsteps stomp on the stairway, down to the fence, to open it up and come inside the basement. Breathing heavily and snapping my brows in fear, I feel him squatting down behind me, while I lay faced to the metal bars, showing him my bare back.

Good morning, honey! Time to wake up!" His deep, not suiting voice itches on my back, making me feel even more scared than I was before. But I don't move, I'm scared to move just a tiny bit, when he suddenly slaps his hand on my back, palm covering my whole shoulder blade.

„AAAH! OH GOD!" I scream as a reply, tears filling my eyes and my mouth twisting. I cover my chest with my arms and hold my body stiff, while letting out little whines. I sniff and sob, breathe shortly and swallow the built up saliva.

I'm so angry at you!!! When your daddy says to wake up, you WAKE UP!" He suddenly yells out full energy and grabs both of my shoulders, turning me around on the dirty spot he gave me. Screaming, I stare into his face, while he looks down on me with his evil smile, red stinging eyes and these mad wrinkles around them and his mouth. After screaming from the sudden grab, I start whining again, my hands still covering my chest, knees held up to my stomach, while Bakugou grabs into my shoulders more and more.

I already have bruises from him, some scratches and even a bite. When he played the dog yesterday, he bit me. He fucking bit me. And- fuck, I- this is above madness. I don't know how long my sanity can take this.

Are you awake now!? SON!?" He shouts at me again, face closer than I want. He smells like bacon and eggs and coffee. Something I could only dream of getting. The smell makes my mouth fill with saliva, even though my body barely has any fluids anymore. My face relaxes after smelling his breath a little and my stomach starts to hurt even more than before. The thing is- I barely notice how hungry I am, since I'm living with the constant fear of Bakugou coming down and having to face him and his mad games!

Oh- are you.... hungry?" My eyes open directly, mouth drops and my nose starts to sniff in the air coming out of his mouth. A wide smile covers his cheeks, one that doesn't suit his face and he starts to come even closer to me. The fear is raging up in my chest, my breathing gets faster, until I feel like fainting. But- he goes in for a hug.

His arms wrap around my cold neck and reach down my back, his chin lays on my shoulder, while his chest touches my arms, which still cover my own. It's so unfamiliar. He does it surprisingly well, I never thought he could show affection in some way.

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