Day 168

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We've been searching for almost half a year now. It's been too rough, especially for Kirishima's family. Police, special criminology departments, people on campus, people in town, his family- everyone's been searching for him. His picture has been shared all over social media, it even shows up as advertisement in the city. Everyone knows about him- but no one has seen him.

It's been hard for me, too. Since I was the one who never stopped trying to find clues. But he disappeared out of nowhere, no one noticed anyone being around, nothing suspicious has been found. The sneakers the stalker put into Kirishima's room have been identified and belong to a man called Masaru Bakugou, but that man is dead since maybe two years, so it couldn't be him. Though he was a murderer and psychopath, which could make sense. But his wife is dead too, he doesn't have children. We couldn't find any other clues around Kirishima's room or somewhere else. The therapist hasn't seen him coming to the appointment, so it had to happen on the road. We tried to find cameras. And there was even one that could catch Kirishima getting out the bus, but then there were no more on the road and no one has seen anything.

It's a predicament and I'm getting so overly tired. Tetsutetsu gave up two months ago. It's not that he doesn't care- he is lacking concentration, doesn't visit the gym as often, gets asked how he feels about the kidnapping daily and has to work on all of his projects plus searching for his friend. Tetsutetsu changed for real. Everyone did, I did. I've gotten so tired and worried, that I started growing a little beard and my lids became grey from the lack of sleep. Each night I asked myself what Kirishima does, where he is and if he's doing well. It made me mad so often, that I actually don't know anything about the kidnapper and it still bugs me so much, that there's just no clue in finding that out.

„Denki- Denki. Denki!?"
„Huh?!" Sero wakes me up from daydreaming at the breakfast table. He sits with Ashido across my side of the table and puts some peanut butter on his toast that's already covered with butter and jam. I look down on his plate and twist my face.
„You been sleepin' since you sat down bud. What's good?" He asks putting even more butter on. I stare at it disgusted, then wipe my eyes.

„Ugh- sorry."

„You haven't been sleeping well again, huh? Are the nightmares back?" Ashido asks drinking her coffee, having one hand on Sero's arm. The nightmares, yeah. Since Kirishima is gone, I couldn't sleep normally. All these thoughts have been running through my mind and they were the loudest when my room was the most quiet. The nightmares have been bad sometimes, not letting me sleep after waking up, bathing in sweat. It's been rough, but I always told myself not to get dragged down by it. Kirishima goes through hell right now. I can't be the one complaining.

„Oh- I'm fine, don't worry." Both look at me confused and worried, even Sero seems as sober as never. He stopped smoking so much after hearing what happened. I actually thought that would make him smoke even more, but he knew it'd be best to not get carried away. He saw how I was feeling.

„Hm." He then mumbles and turns his head to his peanut butter jam sandwich, just about to bite in, when Ashido kicks him in the ribs with her elbow, frowning angrily. He gets interrupted and stares at her back with an annoyed look, questioning what she wants with his stare.

„Fucking tell him, idiot!" She whispers, as if I couldn't hear it.
„You tell him, hoe." He answers quietly, lowering his head to the plate. She frowns and moves her hand away from his arm, crossing both of hers.

„Guys. What-"

„Listen, sweetie.." Ashido starts and kicks into Sero's ribs again. He puts his sandwich down, moves his hands into the pockets of his hoodie and leans against the chair rest, pouting a little. „You haven't been feeling quite well lately and there's no need in denying it, Kaminari. This whole thing will kill you someday..."

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