Addressing some issues.

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Heya folks. Unfortunately this isn't a new chapter. I know, it's been months since the last one and nearly a year before that and I'm sorry. Truth is, life is a pain. I know that, you know that, everyone knows that but in this instance life is a very big pain. I'd like to update this story more then I do but there's two problems. 1: I wrote myself into a corner like an idiot, and 2: Life. Now I know a few people still read this, and to them... You have my tremendous thanks. It means a lot that you're still interested after all this time and all this messing about. But the truth is, this story is a bit of a struggle to write, as such we have tremendous gaps in the upload schedule. SO! From now on, I'll be forcing myself into posting one chapter a month. This goes for all my stories that still have attention. I hope to move past life being a cruel pain in the A and provide more entertainment for the community.

Yours with sincerity and care
Whatever my username is.

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