ILikeYou | Triptacion

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"So you like Jah? As in Jahseh?" Michael rolled his eyes slightly in annoyance. "That's the only Jah we know, Gazzy." Currently, Michael and Gazzy were in Michael's room. It was the weekend so Gazzy thought it would be cute if they did a triple date at Michael's house and watch movies all night. The more he sat next to Jared and watched Stokeley and Jah suck face, the more jealous he became. No longer being able to hold back his anger, he yanked Gazzy up the stairs to finally get the burden off his chest.

His eyes grew wide. "That's you're best friend, Mikey!" He shouted. "I kn-" Gazzy continued to ramble on, cutting Michael off. "And what about Stoke? He's gonna kill you!" He started to pace around the room. "And oh poor Jared! He loves you. It's like you're ripping his heart out of his chest and then taking a combat boot and step-"

"GAZZY!" He stopped pacing and looked up, his facing turning red. "Sorry. I just really care about you Michael. When did you start feeling like this?" Michael huffed falling backwards onto his bed. "Ever since I met him." Gazzy's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "We all met like six years ago." Michael grabbed his pillow, placing it over his face. "Exactly. We were all still closeted back then. There was no way I could tell him then. And then, he started telling me how he felt about Stokeley's smelly ass and I couldn't do it then either."

"So now we're here huh?" Gazzy asked, sitting next to Mikey "Yup. We're here." Michael sighed. "So are you gonna tell Jah?" Before Michael could even answer, he walked into the room."Tell me what?" Gazzy's eyes grew big as he nervously chuckled. "Y'all here that?" He asked, slowly raising himself off the bed. "Gazzy do n-" Michael warned as Gazzy cut him off. "I think Omar's calling me. Bye!" Gazzy scurried out the room leaving Michael and Jahseh by themselves.

"So what is it you wanted to tell me?" Jah asked, still leaning against the door hinge. "Uhh, nothing. It can wait. We should go back downstairs before everybody starts getting suspicious." He went to leave out but Jahseh blocked the door. "You're serious? You're my best friend, I know when something is bothering you, Mikey." He walked over to Michael's bed and sat down. He patted the empty area next to him. "Come here." Michael slowly walked over to bed, sitting next to his best friend.

"So what's going on? You've been really distant lately and then I walk in on Gazzy telling you to tell me something, what's up? Did I do something?" Michael looked into his friend's eyes and seen that he was genuinely hurt. This made Michael feel like shit. "No it's not yo-" He cut him off. "Well is it Stoke? If so I've told him a million times to stop bullying you and he won't listen. I'll break up with him if you wa-" Michael covered Jah's mouth to shut him up. "It's not Stokeley either." Jahseh furrowed is eyebrows. "Well what is it?"

Michael sighed before speaking. "I like you, Jah. I always have. Even before you started dating Stoke, I liked you. It's weird to admit because you're my best friend and I don't want our relationship to be awkward but I can't hold back how I feel anymore. It's been so hard to not be jealous around you guys and that's why I distance myself. I don't wanna lose you as a friend but I just thought I'd let you know." Although Michael felt relieved he got everything off his chest, he was still pretty nervous to hear Jahseh's reaction.

"Does Jare know?" Michael shook his head. "Oh." Jahseh played with his fingers. "Well if we're being honest, I kinda liked you at one point too." Michael raised his eyebrows. "Really?" Jah nodded. "It was right before I started dating Stokeley. Remember I asked you if there was any reason why I shouldn't be with him? That was because I wanted you to say you had some kind of feelings for me." Michael was in total shock at the moment. "But once I got into a relationship with Stoke, I forgot that I even felt that way." Jahseh shrugged.

"I want it to be like that with Jared but it isn't working. Yeah he makes me happy, but you're all I think about. I just can't help how I feel. Sorry if I weirded you out. You can go back downstairs if you want." Jahseh got up to walk out the door but instead he closed it and locked it. "Jahseh, stop. You don't have to do th-" He cut Michael off with soft a kiss which very soon turned into a make out session. Jah pulled away, leaving Michael wanted more as he whined. "But I want to."

"Shit Jaaaaah!"

Michael's moans instantly became music to Jahseh's ears as he continued to move his wet muscle around Michael's hole. He hadn't heard anybody moan his name since his was straight and that was obviously a long time ago. He missed being the dominant one in the bedroom. "Jah baby, right there don't stop!" He moaned out again, causing Jahseh to focus on making Michael feel good. "Jahseh I'm gonna cum!" He yelled, as Jahseh reached around and grabbed his dick. Michael gripped onto the streets as he tried not to cum to fast but it was too late. Michael's hot cum started to get all over the sheets and Jah's hands.

Michael's body twitched as he came down from his high. Before he could move, Jahseh put the tip of his dick on Michael's hole, causing him to moan again. "What are you doingggg?" He dragged out as Jahseh slowly slid himself into Michael. "Oh you thought we was done?" He groaned, biting his lip. Michael winced as he had to adjust himself to Jahseh's size. Jared had big dick energy, but this was on another level. "You ready?" Jah asked as Michael frantically nodded, arching his back more. "Shit." Jahseh mumbled, slapping his ass.

Jah began to thrust slowly, hearing Michael's small whimpers as he bit his lip. "I wanna hear you, baby." Jahseh thrusts even slower and harder. "Faster please, Jah." Michael moaned out and Jahseh began to pick up the pace. Michael's eyes rolled back as he enjoyed this intense amount of pleasure. "Fuck! J-Jah!" He shut his eyes completely, squeezing the sheets as the corners popped off the mattress. "This what you wanted? Hm?"

Jah gripped his hips tighter, digging his nails into Michael's sides "Yes!" Michael cried, feeling himself on verge of another orgasm. "Yes what?" Jahseh asked as he pulled Michael's head back and grabbed his throat. "Yes, daddy! I'm gonna cum!" Jah's strokes became sloppier. "Me too, Mikey." He groaned before pulling out and landing his cum on Michael's lower back. He came as well, panting and wiping the drool from the sides of his mouth. Jah fell next to him, slapping his ass in the process. "Jahseh! That hurt!" He laughed shrugging his shoulders.

"You should go downstairs before Stokeley comes up here and beats my ass." Jahseh chuckled and put his underwear and pants back on before doing him and Michael's handshake that they always do. "I love you best friend." Michael smiled know that after all that happened they could still be friends. "I love you more best friend."

yikes this was unnecessarily long 🌚

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