Chapter 4

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hiro slowly woke up at the sound of some loud noises, his vision a haze. obviously the ecstasy and alcohol last night had been too much for his good abstinent christian body to take. he couldnt even remember what had happened after he had cummed into the virgin killer's cock-fondling mouth twice and lost all sense of consciousness.

his cum covered cheek was pressed against the Dirty moldy coke stained floor, and his shirt was off... and nailed to the wall. whaT the fucky? sitting up, hero felt the burger still inside his nasty jeans, grinding against his .5 inch microdick with every movement he made

feeling all the condiments Turned him on like donkey kong.

when he looked around, goro was sitting in a pile of puke, and zorome and futoshi were naked on the floor next to each other, zorome's cracked ass iphone 3 still open on FranXXXHub.

""What the flip flop?' Said hiro as he looked at the scren, Picking it up. The video pulled up started playing automatically. it showed the virgin killer jerking his hose off, then sucking on his tiny hot dog. then it panned to futoshi eating, and el gorro on the floor spasming. then there was hiro yelling, beer bottles thrown, and the screen went black.

he threw the phone away. his heart was pounding. he felt like a SINNER.

when he looked arojnd, he realized another important detail... THE VERGIN KILLER WASNT IN THE ROOM ANYMORE.

pankicing, hero stood up, his balance wobbling as he fell to the ground agaain, right jnto Goro's vomit. he licked it and it tasted Good but he had already discovered more than one of his repressed kinks today and he didnt need to add one more to that list. instead he got up again and brushed himself off.

but Zorome stirred onnthe ground in front if him. "hwey dwude"! he said slurring his words. Hiro ignored him and tryed to pry his shirt off the wall, but it was stuck from the nails and starchy, sticky substance that made it hard as a rock.

zorome tugged on his pants legs, sending hero face first on the Ground Again. he was also screaming "HEY"

Hido looked at him and winced. zorome sat up, his veiny penis becoming erect suddenly when futoshi stirred in his sleep and accidentally touched his thigh. "well, you're welcome."

Hiro blinked. Oh. For helping him lose his virginity, huh? "i guess... I-it wasnt so bad after all..."

zorome clapped his back and yelled "Yáttá! you were so into it man, when she started sucking you off a third time you called her 'mommy ' and everything—"

"WHAT." Hiro was breathign heavy like he was having an asthma attack and panic attack at the same time. zorome weanwhike was laughing hysterically, wiping the tears from his eyes.

"yeah, and then you drank a whole bottle of vodka, and you bet futoshi he couldnt eat 10 more of those burgers and when he did you lost $50—"

hiro stood up AGAIN quickly to drown out zorome's rambling and went toward the curtains, hearing the ruckus outside that had woken him upl. he opened the velvety, blood red, cum and burger juice stained curtains just a little bit and peered outside at the rest of the club.

the double doors were wide open, and a short, perverted looking old man with only one arm was being dragged out by the po-po.

"YOULL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE COPPERS" he was saying, even tho he was currently tied up. the head police officer tased him.

zorome popped up underneath the curtains, saying, "oh that's werner franxx! i know him, he owns the club!"

A red-headed woman with huge titties and a thicc ass was looking at the scene quite proudly. she had probably been the one to snitch on the owner for what hiro could overhear was 'prostitution and tax evasion.' "i wont let you run this shady club anymore, hakase!1! (A/N: that's doctor in japanese) not if i have anything to say about it! i must help these poor girls.""

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