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"I don't think this idea is very daijobou," said Futoshi as he bit into his Pretty Patty from Sugar Factory.

Right now, Zorome and Futoshi were about to create a fake fursona account to troll the furry fandom and maybe roleplay. The original idea was to make a dating profile on FurryMet, but because Zorome didn't have any cash in his bank account left after the identity theft fraud and Futoshi refused to pay for anything outside of food and BTS merch, they had to use Twitter as a watered down Tinder (but for furries).

"Don't worry about it, bro! Nobody will even know it's us," Zorome reassured him nonchalantly as if all of his ideas didn't always end them up in near death situations, or nearly leave them with a criminal record.

Zorome received the "brilliant" idea to create a furry profile after he watched a video of a youtuber trolling furry discord servers. He watched shitty videos like that in his free time despite constantly dragging Hiro for his lack of a life and job. The hypocrisy jumped out.

He scrolled up through several tweets on his timeline, not even stopping to like them since Zorome only liked his own tweets from his empty accounts to make it seem like people cared about his tweets.


kinda want my pussy eaten right now... darling, i know you're reading this. [kiss_heart_emoji]

2:00 AM • 1/15/97 • Twitter for Ferrari

678 Retweets, 150 Likes

Reply from FakeVirginMary Kokoro ココロ:

oof, you said it :))

2:12 AM • 1/15/17 • Twitter for Nokia

0 Retweets, 3 Likes

[Scroll down for the rest of this thread]


haha... hah? [sweatdrop_emoji]

2:04 AM • 1/15/19 • Twitter for LeapFrog Tablet

Reply from LILBTHEBASEDGOD (Verified Checkmark):

n*gga, what the fuck? leapfrog? LMAOOO

700 Retweets, 1.5k Likes

Reply from TupacIsAlive:

leapfrog man? [unsure_man_pursing_his_ ]

Reply from H0miezforlyfe:

[obligatory "don't mind me i'm just gonna steal this meme".jpg]

After clicking all of Twitter's buttons for 20 seconds, Zorome finally found the 'Log Out' option and selected 'Sign Up' from the homepage. Let the fun startó:

"Yoish! Let's start with a username first," said Zany with a smirk as he tried to use his (1) braincell to think of something epic but hilarious.

"How about JungkooksUncircumcisedCock?" Futoshi chipped in with his mouth full, squishing the obnoxiously artificially colored grease around in his mouth with each bite.

"No, man! That's too long and it has to be furry related! Uhh... How about..." The keyboards started clinkin, "thicc... Furboy."

[Username: thiccFurboy]

"Hmm, I guess that's fine too," Fatty said as he continued to munch, not actually caring about this "genius" idea Zorome had planned (in Zap's own words). He actually felt scammed since his best friend promised to hook him up with a hot babe again (like Zero Two), but instead he was being forced to interact with weirdos for Zorome's own intertainment.

"Cool! This is gonna be so dope, dude. Okay, now for your password–"

[Password: * * * * * * ]

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