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Harry's P.O.V

I sat in the waiting room waiting patiently  for Liam to come out of his office. My heart is pounding, shaking my left leg up and down up and down. 

"So I ran the blood through my machine, but you're not going to believe what the match led to." Liam said walking out of his office.

I sighed standing up and looked at him. "I want my family back together, I want that spark back with Alice. I want everything back to the way it was." I said gripping my teeth together. 

"Well let's just say you know this individual. You can out smart him hoepfully.." He said looking at me motioning for me to step into his office.

"Well who is it then?" I asked raising my eyebrow at him.

"It's Luke Hemmings." He said as my heart dropped.

"I thought we finished with him two years ago?! Why is he coming back now!" I snapped.

"Harry.. Settle down please.. I can get in trouble if i'm doing random blood testing." He said putting his hands over his face.

"I'm sorry Liam, I'm just confused as to why he is here. Why now? Why Belle?" I said asking more and more questions through my head.

"Well I may know a guy who can help you out," Liam said looking at his phone then up at me.

"If it's who i think it is i don't want his Irish ass in my way." I snapped.

"Well he's the only one who knows about Luke, Harry! What else are we going to do." Liam sighed.

"I'll have to run it by Zayn." I said quietly. 

"Ohh, well you have fun with that." Liam said in a nervous laugh.

"Ohh I will." I said in a serious tone, before heading out of the office.

Alice's P.O.V

"So how long have you known Harry?" I questioned looking a Zayn.

"I knew him for years. Doesn't really matter the number." He said blowing smoke out of his mouth.

"Well anyways thank you for smoking outside on the patio for once instead of inside my house." I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

Zayn laughed and looked up at me. "You know, you really aren't as tough as you think you are." 

"Hey i can be tough," I frowned looking down and playing with my hands.

"Yeah ok," He laughed before reaching for his cell phone that was ringing. "Hello?" He said. "Ohh Harry." He said.

I looked up from my hands and looked at him. "H-Harry?" I asked, "Let me see the phone please, is he ok?" I asked.

"Yeah Harry, hold on." He said brining the phone to his chest. "You know, if you don't pipe your mouth, i'm gonna have to shut you up sweetheart." He said as i slid back in my chair.

"That better be a joke." I mumbled under my breathe.

"No Harry whats up?" He asked. I looked at him again as his smile turned into a frown. "Harry we know we can't trust him. Not what happened to Alice years ago," He mumbled.

"Who can't we trust? Who did what to me?" I said and kept asking questions before Zayn snapped his head at me and growled.

"O-Oh yeah quiet sorry.." I said softly before going back to playing with my fingers.

"Fine, you can trust him but i am not going too. One wrong move and I'm blowing his brains out," Zayn said before hanging up the phone.

"I-I'm sorry for speaking out of turn." I mumbled looking up at him.

"It's fine Alice, but what we are in for. We are at war." He said in a serious tone.

"War with who?" I asked.

"I don't know, Harry won't say." He mumbled.

"But who are you not trusting. Who is he asking for help?" I asked.

"Niall.." He said softly.

Never in those few year would I ever hear that name in my life again.

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