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Alice's P.O.V

"Dude I'm starving." I complained looking at Zayn as he closed all the blinds. "Yo the sun is shining and making the house warm can you please open up the blinds." I said.

"Ehh I like the darkness, sunlight just isn't for me." He laughed nervously. 

I cocked my eyebrows and shook my head. "Whatever you say you weirdo." I laughed, before making my way to the kitchen.

The doorbell rang as I nervously but my lip. "Can you please grab the door, Zayn?" I asked. 

Zayn nodded before tucking his gun in his pants. I sat on the couch playing with my hair before he opened the door.

"Ohh Harry." He said with a smile, I looked up and saw Harry stadning there.

"Hey Zayn, hey Alice.." He whispered. 

"Harry!" I yelled before running to him and embracing my arms around him. "I was so worried about you." I cried out, having tears stream down my face.

Harry frowned before hugging me tightly. "I'm not going anywhere just yet, Alice." He spoke softly.

"Wow am I chopped liver?" Said a thick Irish accent.

I pulled back my embrace from Harry and looked up to find deep blue eyes starring into my soul.

"You." I mumbled.

"Well.. I do have a name it's N-."

"I don't give a rats ass what your name is!" I yelled cutting him off.

"Babe just let hi-"

"No Harry!" I yelled cutting him off too. "Look I don't know why you are here or what you are doing but I'm trying to get my daughter back in one piece and I want you know where near her." I snarled in grief.

"Whoa.. I just came here to help." Niall said throwing his hands up in defense. 

"I don't need your god damn help!" I snapped before Zayn taking my arm.

"Sweet heart, relax." He whispered. 

"I'm not going too." I mumbled.

"You know what, I don't trust Niall either, but if he is really going to help us out and find Belle i will gladly be by his side." Zayn said softly.

I looked at Zayn, Harry and Niall before sighing and closed my eyes.

"Fine, But if you pull anything so god help me dude." I snapped, looking Niall dead in the eyes.

If looks could kill he'd probably be dead already.

"Fine will do it your way." He said shrugging.

"OH we are going to do it my way, any problems with it, I'll have my friend Zayn shoot you right in the head." I smirked.

"Sounds like a deal to me." Zayn said smiling.

"No one is killing anyone! Look babe we know who took Belle and Niall is the only one who can track him down trust me." Harry said looking me.

"Why should I trust you.. You lied to me for years." I said softly,

"I know baby girl, but I promise when this is done I will explain everything." He whispered.

"Fine, Well you boys do what ever, I'm going upstairs to take a nap, I have been up all night." I said, before making my way to the stairs.

The boys nodded before going to the kitchen to come up with a plan. I looked at Niall as he turned away and saw bite marks on his neck. I raised my eyebrow wondering why didn't I notice that before.

I shrugged it off before making my way upstairs to Harry and I's room. I changed into a regular tank top and shorts before making my way under the covers. Still I want to know what's on Niall's neck, a hickey? No It seems to big and looks like teeth marks.

I raised my eyebrow before getting out of bed and reaching for my laptop. I went onto google and started to do some research, I gasped before covering my mouth and looking at the results.

"Ok this def can't be right," I laughed before scrolling down more.

"Do vampires really exist?" 

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