Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to Tyomi Morgan

Today seems to be one of those days unlike any other day when I could just sleep in and not worry about the outside world. Why do all old people win the lottery? Why can’t I be a millionaire? Why don’t I have a house? Or a fancy car? I am not happy with my life at this point. My relationship is a complete roller coaster and I am in need of a vacation. But no matter how I complain, I am grateful that I am still alive.

Life has its ups and downs and I am damn sure a true witness of that. Its days like this, I wish it was so easy to slap the shit out of a couple of people or even run them over with a car without injuring or killing anyone. Well maybe killing a couple of people or make them feel some sort of pain for a while and they bounce back to normal. That is so cruel, but I am actually giggling inside at the though of it.

I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling. Looking at the cracks wishing I could just crawl into one of them and hide. Wondering if I disappeared for a while, would anyone notice that I was gone or even miss me. Thinking what life would be like as an insect. So small, hardly unnoticeable and the only thing to worry about is getting eaten, exterminated or stepped on. Being an animal or pet is even hard work. Maybe I just need to accept my life for what it is and make the best of it.

My life reminded me of a baby’s pamper. Full of shit and how I wanted to wipe my ass on society because it‘s full of crap. My answer to all of my questions that I have stumbled over and over in my mind is to just say…. Fuck it!

Time has passed and it is later in the evening, say around nine pm. I got dressed and decided to go have a drink. Looking in the mirror at my ass which my jeans are hugging quite well, my skin is flawless, a deep caramel complexion with pretty teeth that was accompanied by my beautiful smile. I love everything about me except for my tummy which has been brutally damaged from some surgeries.

Nobody is perfect, that’s what we all say until you meet someone who judges you according to their own personal standards. Those are the ones who have really bad self-esteem issues, unlike the norms who love you for who you are. Well, to be honest, looks does play an important part in it. You have to have some type of physical attraction. What the hell, pretty or not, I am going to the bar and have a good time.

Entering the lounge, it is a nice crowd and the music is off the chain. I feel like dancing and I haven’t even had a drink yet. Making my way to the bar, there are a lot of nice looking gentlemen enjoying their cocktails. Patiently, I waited for someone to approach me and offer me a drink.

The strong stench of alcohol surrounds me mixed with the fragrance of my perfume. Wondering who will approach me to buy me a drink, my patience was running short and I ordered one on my own. Something strong is what I had in mind and that was what I ordered. A blue motherfucker. The taste was strong and sweet when I swallowed and burned the inside of my chest. Another one of these will have me on the dance floor in no time.

I looked at the other end of the bar and noticed a guy staring at me. He was quite handsome, surrounded by what I assumed to be his entourage. The bartender approached me and told me that some guy opened up a tab and told me to order whatever I wanted. Surprisingly, it was the guy that I caught staring at me. Raising his glass to let me know that it was him, he got up and walked towards me. I was aware that an empty seat was next to me and knew that was where he was heading.

I wonder what type of asshole he was. I would find out soon enough. I wasn’t really in the mood to curse anyone out tonight. I just wanted to get wasted, dance and have some fun. Hopefully I don’t have to get into a bar fight any time soon.

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