Chapter Five

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  • Dedicated to Jeanette "Tee Tee" Nason

The sound of police sirens and the aroma of a strong substance was what I remembered waking up to. Lying in my bed, a woman wearing a blue uniform was standing over me wearing plastic gloves and holding some smelling salt to my nose. For a moment I was slightly confused, but slowly everything started coming back to me. I sat up quickly looking around for Trevor. The woman demanded that I lie back down.

“I am going to need for you to take it easy. You blacked out and I am here to help you okay?”

“Where is Trevor? He was here with me. Please tell me he is okay,” I panicked.

“He is fine. He is giving a statement to the police. I heard you two had a bit of a problem. You had an intruder, I believe?”

Feeling a little dizzy I replied, “Well, she was a basket-case if you ask me. By the way where is she?”

“They took her to the hospital. Your friend told them what happened. They will see that she gets the help she needs. And just so you won't freak out when you go upstairs, there is a bloodstain on your carpet. If you call someone soon to clean it, the stain will come right out with no problem.”

I cringed from the thought of the bloodstain. I had to get that taken care of as soon as possible.

Trevor walked into the room.

“How‟s my fallout queen doing?” He smiled.

Rolling my eyes, “Very funny.”

“Well, I guess my job is done here. You just blacked out from an anxiety attack. Stay in bed for the rest of the day and get some rest. You will be just fine.”

“That sounds like a plan. I will take good care of her.”

Packing up her equipment, the woman smiled, “I am sure you will.”

“What does that suppose to mean?” Trevor giggled.

“Whatever you were thinking. You two have a good evening.” The woman exited the room.

“I will be right back. I am going upstairs to lock the door and put the alarm on.”

Despite the fact that his crazy ass ex came by and butchered herself and probably would have butchered me first if he would have never showed up, I was happy he was here. I finally got my man.

We watched movies all night and he held me the entire time. All I could think about was Candice slitting her wrist. I just replayed the scene in my head over and over again. For some reason, I just felt like this wasn't the end of her games. I hope she didn't think about coming back to my house acting a fool again, because next time it won't be her wrist. It would be her throat, and I would be doing the cutting.

Hours passed and we fell asleep with the television on. Our sleep was interrupted by his cell phone. It was 3 am. Who was calling this damn late?

“Hello?” He answered the phone yawning.

It was Candice calling from the hospital.

“You weren't going to call and check on me?”

Trevor hung up the phone.

“Who was that?” I asked.

 “Baby I am getting my number changed. It was her crazy ass,” he frowned.

His phone rang repeatedly until he just decided to turn it off. He knew if he didn't handle that situation, I would not be around long. Drama is one thing that I didn't tolerate. No matter the circumstance.

My alarm went off at 9 am. I was still exhausted and had plans to stay in bed and sleep a little longer. I was lying on my side with my back to Trevor. I guess he assumed I was still asleep and slowly scoot up behind me. I had no idea that he was trying to sneak some pussy, but I pretended I was sleep for as long as I could.

He began rubbing my ass as he moved closer and closer. I could feel his breath on the back of my neck. Still pretending to be sleep, he slowly started raising my t-shirt. I smiled, because I couldn't wait for him to touch me. Next, he slowly tried to raise my leg and slide his dick inside me. I repositioned myself and turned on my back. This is the ultimate trick to get some head. Moving his hand under the cover, he began playing with my clitoris, rubbing it in a circular motion softly. I started getting moist and he was turned on because I felt his erection on my thigh. Pumping my leg slowly, he moved his hands up to my breast and slid underneath the covers. He was ready to turn up the heat.

He crawled down further and opened my legs. I felt a warm moist feeling rub across my vulva. It was his tongue. He tickled it, kissed it, licked it and sucked it until I couldn't lie still anymore. I moaned and he knew he could climb on top of me.

It was something about morning pussy that was like a fresh cup of coffee that made a man's day. I was tired of playing hard to get. It was time to give in.

Kissing his way up, he tickled my belly. Before I could prepare myself for the grand entrance, he pushed his way inside me forcefully, I moaned loudly. With the first thrust he went in deep and just held me close to him. Holding him tightly with my arms and legs wrapped around him, he lift me off of the bed. He walked me to the wall and pressed my back against it. Standing with his legs wide in a mid squatting position, bouncing me up and down on his erection. Shit was going through my mind, but it damn sure wasn't Candice anymore. Fucking me like he would never see me again, Trevor was sweating heavily. He was acting like a wild beast and it was turning me on.

An orgasm wasn't even on my mind. I was just excited that he wanted me that bad. The earth felt like it shook for a split second and my body temperature began to rise. All I could feel was a warm wet substance between my legs and he slammed me up against the wall one last time. You would think the way my back hit the wall, I would be in excruciating pain, but I enjoyed it. The way Trevor was fucking me, he vociferously challenged me and he had a quiet way of making me feel all of him until my moaning and emotions died down again. It was tough for me to be sad or angry for very long. I generally lived life buoyantly, finding the positive in all things.

We slept all the way into the early evening. I rolled over and Trevor was gone. I looked at the clock and the time read 3:30 pm. There was a note on the nightstand. Thinking the worst, I hesitantly reached for the note. It read: Hey baby, I enjoyed this morning and I’m certainly looking forward to many more like this. While you were asleep I got a call from a detective. He wanted me to come to the police station and take care of some paperwork regarding Candice. I will be right back as soon as I am done. Daddy has to make sure that his queen is protected from any kind of harm. Looking forward to seeing you later. Get some rest. Love, your man. Oh yeah, that’s what I said.

Trevor didn't realized how stressed I was until he experienced how quickly I was seething with anger when Candice called me and popped up at my house. By him taking my feelings into consideration, along with my safety, it really meant a lot to me. On top of that he said he was my man. The more Trevor gets to know me and vice verse, the more I believe he would never renege on his promise to never hurt me.

(I hope you are enjoying my story so far. Continue to vote and leave feedback.)


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