Chapter Two

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  • Dedicated to Brandy Mzscorpio Moore

 Later in the afternoon, I tried napping but could not rest because last night continued to replay over and over in my head. I had such a fabulous time with Trevor. Out of all the guys I had dated in the past; all of them turned out to be complete assholes, but he was a breath of fresh air. Hell, I have been waiting to exhale for about three years now. Hopefully, I would finally get the chance to do just that.

Waking up to the sound of Fifty Cent “Do You Think About Me” playing loudly, I rolled over to answer my phone. Barely awake, looking at the caller I.D. I see that it is Trevor calling. Too exhausted to jump up with excitement, I answered the phone.

“Hello.” I yawned.

“I am not disturbing you am I?” he asked.

“No. I was just waking up. I finally got me some rest.”

“That‟s good to hear. So what do you have planned for tonight if you don‟t mind me asking?”

“Nothing really. I was thinking about going to the gym. I haven‟t worked out in a couple of days.”

How I wished he would just ask if he could help me out with my workout. I felt like a dog in heat, but I was trying to keep my cool before he thought I was some kind of nympho.

“I wanted to come by and see you tonight if you have some free time.”

Did he just ask me if I had some time? I had nothing but time on my hands. Not happy about my situation with a bachelor‟s degree, laid off and on unemployment, time has been my best friend for the past two months.

Sitting up in bed, “What do you have in mind sweetie?” I asked biting my bottom lip.

“Sweetie…I like the way that sounds.”

I could tell from his comment that he was smiling and probably laid back relaxed with his hands in his pants fondling his balls and stroking his penis.

The thought of him doing that turned me on, making me rub my inner thighs, imagining him doing just that.

“My evening is pretty much free, so if you want to hang out I would love that.”

“Your place or mine?” he asked in a warm voice.

My mother always taught me to never go to a man‟s house until you get to know him. She always said that finding female items in a man‟s apartment early in a relationship opens the door for premature questioning. Play it safe by building a relationship and once you‟re in good he would have pretty much removed any and everything that belong to other women of his past. So upon your first visit to his residence, it will be free for you to leave your shit and not have to worry about him hiding it when you‟re not around. That‟s when you know you have hit a home run.

“My place is fine,” I said pulling myself from my thoughts.

“I will be there in about two hours. Would you like anything to drink or perhaps to eat if you are hungry?”

“We can have the same as last night or maybe we can order in when you get here.”

“Alright. See you shortly.”

“Okay sweetie. Bye.”

I immediately jumped up and hurriedly removed the sheets from my bed. Just in case this was the night that I got my ass waxed. I needed everything to be perfect. Walking through the hallway, heading downstairs opening the door to the laundry room I put the sheets in the clothes hamper and got some clean sheets off the shelf. I grabbed the fabric freshener and headed back to my bedroom. I bumped my pinkie toe on the foot rail. I shrieked and cursed like a sailor. Had that bed rail been a person, I would have unloaded a can of whip ass on it.

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