Chapter Four

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  • Dedicated to Shantel Lyons

Dusting off the tables in the living room, with the sun beaming through the blinds brought a sense of calmness within my home. All I could think about was Trevor and I laid up watching movies wrapped up in one another laughing and chatting about any and everything. Thinking about his radiant smile and how I love to run my hands across his chest where I lay drowned in his essence. My daydreaming was interrupted by the doorbell.

I opened the door and standing in front of me was a woman about five-foot-five inches tall, medium-brown complexion, medium-length auburn hair, blue jeans and a red top. She was fair for a square. Looking a bit puzzled staring me in the face, she was sizing me up during the process.

Holding the door open, “Hello, how can I help you?" I asked.

“Hi. Melissa?” She asked, smiling.

Caught by surprise, “How do you know my name? 

“It says it on your mailbox right outside your door. You're not what I expected. You're actually pretty.”

I'm actually pretty? What type of shit is that? This chick was standing in my doorway looking like a bootlegger ready to pull something to sell out of her ass at any minute.

I looked her up and down. “Do I know you?” 

“Well, not personally but yeah you do,” she said, bluntly.

So now this bitch wants me to play the guessing game. Is she really going to stand at my front door and tell me that she knows who I am and don't reveal herself? Who does that?

I impatiently tapped the door, “So who are you and what do you want?”

“You know who I am and you got what I want,” she snapped.

Hold up. No the hell she didn't. This chick Candice popped up at my house. How in the hell did she get my address? She could be armed or anything. I was forced to play it cool just in case she got out of pocket. I had to be on my square.

“So you are Candice I assume?”

“In the flesh.”

“How did you know where I live?”

“To be honest with you, I followed Trevor over here the first night you guys met.”

“You followed him? I mean us?”

“Don't look so surprised. I wasn't stalking you. I just wanted to know where he was going.”

“So how did you get my number?”

“I work for T-Mobile and he has an account with them. I pulled his account and noticed that your number seems to be the one he calls most of the time now. So how you doing?”

Did she really just ask me how I was doing? Some people need a good slap back to reality. This is one of those times. Instead of taking things to the next level, I just turned the tables and pissed her off.

“The question is, how are you doing?” I smiled.

Rolling her eyes. “As you can see, I am doing fine."

“Evidently, you're not doing so well because you're at my house.”

“Are you going to invite me in?”

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