Chapter Six

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Although I felt the need to stay in bed and sleep the rest of the day, for some reason I just didn't feel safe. Climbing out of bed, I headed upstairs to check and make sure he turned the alarm system on, as I turned to walk upstairs I heard movement in my apartment. I stood quietly, listening nervously.

The sound was coming from the kitchen. I tip toed up the stairs and peeked into the hallway. I saw nothing at first. Suddenly, I saw a shadow. I quickly went back to the stairs. Breathing rapidly but silent, I took in a deep breath, exhaled and just when I was about to peek back into the kitchen, the shadow that I had seen was in human form now. Staring me in the face smiling, it was Candice.

I remembered the saying my mom used to tell me about your life flashing before you right before you die, but nothing flashed at all. I was expecting to get stabbed to death or something of that nature. She just stood there with this evil grin on her face. As if she was plotting on what to do, but taking her time about it.

Candice was adamant about our argument yesterday, but I wondered, would she gradually become flexible and open to my point of view if I talked things over with her. That's if she didn't kill me, herself or us both.

Hoping to avert problems with her, I just took a chance and begin talking to her.

Slowly, walking up the stairs, “How did you get in here Candice?” I asked, in a casual tone keeping my eyes on her hands. She noticed that I was a bit uneasy.

“You really shouldn't leave your doors open. Especially not in this neighborhood.” Her eyes were glassy and her speech was slurred. She appeared to be drugged, as if she was on some type of medication.

“Candice don't you suppose to be in the hospital? How did you get in here?”

“I took a cab. Trevor paid for it.”

“Why are you lying? Did you escape? Trevor wouldn't do no shit like that,” I snapped.

“If he wouldn't, why am I here? He left the door open for me to come get you and he did pay for my fucking cab, how else did I get out idiot?” She said, in a drunken state.

I avoided any type of argument, preferring to create a compromise rather than a clash of wills. “All of that is unnecessary. How did you really get in my apartment?”

“I let myself in. You seem to like leaving your back door unlocked.”

I didn't like the fact that she was a psycho and wounded, but I had to concede that it wasn't her fault my door was open. Trevor always double checked the doors. He must have been in such a hurry he forgot to lock the door. To top it off, he forgot to activate the alarm.

Walking slowly towards the sofa, I asked, “What brings you here? Aren't you on suicide watch?”

“Of course, but what makes you think that I want to be strapped to a bed? I came to finish what I started.”

Trying to avoid conflict with this bitch was fruitless, so I decided to give it one more try and see what happens. “What is it that you want to finish?”

“Since I can't have the man, I will take him anyway I can.”

“Wha—what you mean by that?”

“I will fuck the both of you?”

This bitch had lost her rabbit ass mind. There was no way in hell I would have a threesome with her and Trevor. What was she thinking? Was she that desperate?

How could anyone stoop that low to want to share someone just to be happy? If Trevor even gave it a thought, I would go ham on his ass in an instant. This bitch has got to go. By any means necessary.

Calmly taking in a deep breath and exhaling, “Candice get out of my house,” I demanded.

“Make me,” she mumbled.

It was demoralizing for me to spend all afternoon trying to work things out with her only to find out that she didn't give a damn. Especially when I only had a meager amount of experience with psychopaths. This was going to be interesting.

“If he left your ass back then, what makes you think he will take you back now?”

“Are you trying to be a smart ass?”

Feeling that I had been misunderstood, I reiterated my response repeatedly irritating her on purpose. “Take your time. You don't have to leave in a hurry.”

“I'm not leaving until I am ready,” she grumbled.

It seemed self-evident to Candice that since she had invited herself into my apartment, I should do what she wanted. I gave her a look, shrugged my shoulders and sat on the sofa. 

“You think you're running the show, huh?”

Replying straightforward and to the point, “What does it look like to you?” She cackled.

I decided to table the issue until Trevor made it back for me to set her ass up for more information. I wasn‟t enjoying the conflict, and the dispute was taking a toll on me. Trevor said that she can be touchy, but I was beginning to think that just might be true.

Although he tried in vain to keep us from arguing yesterday, I knew that she would resurface and continue the argument at some point, but I didn't know it would be so soon. With her bipolar personality, Candice's emotions had a tendency to be a bit volatile.

“Why do we have to be adversaries? You are his past. You're getting pissed with me because he wants to be with me. Why don't you just grow the hell up and move on.”

“I have moved on. Right into your life with him. So accept it or reject it, bitch. Either way it goes, you will have to deal with me.”

Now it was time for me to hi-five this hoe. And I don't mean hand to hand. She made her first mistake when she called my house, her second mistake was showing up at my door, now her worst mistake was inviting herself in without my permission. Beating her ass wouldn't be good enough. I knew I was gonna have to flat line this bitch. In that order.

There was a sound at the front door. Keys jiggled and the door opened. It was Trevor. He stood at the door looking at Candice in amazement. Wondering what was about to happen, I calmly waited for his response.

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