Haruka chibi gets sick

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They all including Starish going to the dining hall. On their way they ran into Ringo. She was pale to the face when she saw Haruka chibi.

Ringo: Haru-chan.... Is that really you? What on earth happened to you.

Like always because she didn't remember Ringo she hid behind Camus. Natsuki had to explain to Ringo that a strange man cursed Haruka chibi. Ringo was shocked when she heard.

Ringo: Little Haru-chan, I'm sorry I scared you. If I ever see that man I'll put him in his place. Come out from hiding and come here please Little Haru-chan.

Haruka chibi walks in front of Camus Ringo looking at her. Ringo picks her up.

Ringo: Aww, Little Haru-chan you look adorable being this tiny and that dress looks so beautiful on you as well.

Ringo puts her down near Camus and told them keep their eyes on Haruka chibi the whole time.

Camus: We know Ringo, we have our hands full this little girl. She was already an timeout for going outside by herself.

Ringo: My, my looks like Little Haru-chan is a handful being this tiny as well. Now I need to get back to work. See you all later. Bye bye Little Haru-chan.

After Ringo leaves they are made their way to the dining hall when Haruka felt pain in her stomach she falls to the ground.

Reiji: Haru-chan what's wrong?

Haruka chibi: My stomach is hurting really bad Reiji and I don't know....

She passes out due to the pain in her stomach. Reiji lifts her up feeling her head knowing she is burning up.

Reiji: She is burning up with a fever guys. What should we do????

Ai takes Haruka chibi from Reiji taking her to the music room. Exams her for a second.

Ai: It looks like Haruka is getting a stomach aches. Because Haruka is so small she getting a high fever.

When they heard Ai say that The President enters the music room everyone looks up at him.

The President: Ringo told me everything that happen to Miss Nanami and Ai is right. Aw poor Miss Nanami it's never good when someone this tiny gets sick.

Masato: Mr. President, what do you think we should to help Nanami-san?

The President picks up Haruka chibi place his hand on her head knowing her fever is getting higher.

The President: I wish I knew how to save Miss Nanami but I don't have the answer. However you need to break her fever before it gets higher.

The President puts Haruka chibi in Reiji's arms leaving them. He had tears coming down his eyes taking her to the dining hall and puts some ice on her forehead trying to break the fever. Reiji places Haruka chibi on the table in the dinning room. Tokiya places something soft under her head. Reiji puts some ice on a rag then comes back putting it on her head.

Reiji: I hope this helps break Haru-chan's fever.

Ran-Ran: When she wakes up we should give her medicine maybe it will help the pain go away.

Ai: I know the prefect medicine for this. I'll be right back.

After Ai leaves Haruka chibi opens her eyes and tries to get up with Camus helping her.

Camus: Easy there little girl. Let's feel your forehead to see if the fever is breaking.

Ran-Ran feels Haruka chibi forehead and said it's not as hot anymore. Ai comes back with medicine in his hands. When Haruka chibi saw that she puts her hand on her mouth.

Haruka Chibi: I don't want to take medicine it's yucky.

Otoya walks up to Haruka chibi.

Otoya: Listen, Nanami I know medicine isn't good tasting but it will help you get better. So for us please take it so you can feel better?

Haruka chibi looks at Otoya and nod her head yes. Ai pours the medicine onto a spoon then gives it to Haruka chibi. After she takes it showing a yucky face. Everyone couldn't help but laugh at her.

Reiji: Silly Haru-chan. Let's get you something small to eat and take you to your room so you can rest.

After Haruka chibi ate Ai picks her up and brought her to her bedroom so she can rest so she can feel better. When Ai got to Haruka's chibi room she feel asleep in Ai's arms. As he puts her down. He was starting to think he loves Haruka chibi being this tiny.

(Coming up next Haruka chibi meets Satsuki)

(Coming up next Haruka chibi meets Satsuki)

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