Haruka Chibi meets Satsuki

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  -2 days later-

Camus went into Haruka chibi room seeing her get out of bed running to him as he picks up Haruka chibi hugs him.

Camus: Looks like you're feeling better little girl after resting for a few days.

Haruka chibi: Yes Camus I am. Can I get something to eat please? I'm a little hungry.

Camus: I bet after being sick for a couple of days. Okay, little girl lets get you something to eat.

Camus puts her down and walks beside her to the dining hall where they saw everyone in there.

Natsuki: Good Morning Haru-chan. I made you something to eat!!!!!!

Natsuki brings out a sandwich for Haruka chibi. When Syo saw the sandwich his face went pale. Because it looked like it was peanut butter, with mayo, chocolate, and who else knows. Syo tried to trip Natsuki not only dropping the sandwich but his glasses came off. Everyone even Quartet Night was freaking out. Because when Natsuki glasses is off he turns into Satsuki. Satsuki looks around then spots Haruka chibi.

Satsuki: Well look at what we got here. Looks like Haruka turn tiny. Isn't that cute? Come here Haruka.

Haruka chibi listens because she thought it was Natsuki. When Satsuki picks up her everyone watched closely because they didn't know what he'll do.

Satsuki: Haruka lets go outside to play. Shall we?

Haruka chibi: Okay, sounds like fun.

Quartet Night looks at Starish thinking this might end up bad. So they came with Satsuki outside. Satsuki puts Haruka chibi on his shoulders making Ran-Ran face turn pale because, what if she falls back? After they get outside Satsuki took Haruka chibi off his shoulders than throwing her up in the air making her laugh, while everyone else looked like they're going to have a heart attack because how high Satsuki was throwing her.

Haruka chibi: This is fun. Throw me higher Natsuki, please?

Satsuki: As you wish little Haruka.

Quartet Night didn't like the sound of that. Haruka chibi was just getting over being sick.

Syo: We got to find Satsuki's glasses and put them back on him now.

Tokiya: Where are his glasses?

They all had no clue where the glasses went. Satsuki turns around and shows them his glasses while smirking them when they saw that Satsuki had the glasses they all were shocked.

Satsuki: Haruka do you want to play a game with everyone?

Haruka chibi: Okay, what kind of game?

Satsuki: Well Haruka, It's a fun game called let's lose these guys?

Satsuki held tight onto Haruka chibi and ran away from everyone. They all chase after Satsuki but he was way to fast for them to keep up.

Camus: Who knew a fool like him can run that fast?

Reiji: You're telling me? How are we going to find them now?

Syo: Knowing Satsuki he'll probably bringing Nanami to the park that is nearby. We should hurry before something happens.

They all agreed running to the park. Syo was right Satsuki ran to the park with Haruka chibi.

Satsuki: Looks like we lost them Haruka, we win.

Haruka chibi: Yay!!!!!!! That was so much fun Natsuki.

Satsuki had a great idea before they go back he's going to give Haruka chibi a lot of sweets. When they get back she will be bouncing all over the place.

Satsuki: Since we won Haruka why don't we celebrate by eating a lot of sweets?

Haruka chibi was so happy to hear that. Satsuki grabbed her hand taking her to a dessert cafe. He let Haruka chibi pick out anything she wants. So she chooses triple layer chocolate chip cake and a strawberry milkshake. Satsuki had the same thing but gotten a vanilla milkshake instead. He places the food on the table and helps Haruka chibi on the chairs.

Satsuki: Here you go Haruka enjoy you earned it.

It didn't take long for Haruka chibi and Satsuki to finish their sweets and after they were done. Haruka chibi was on a sugar high which Satsuki plan out. After that Satsuki was ready to take Haruka chibi back to the others.

Satsuki: H*ll yea Haruka it's time to go back home. Lets get going.

Haruka chibi ran out of the dessert cafe with Satsuki behind her. He never thinks Haruka chibi could run so fast guessing it might be all the sugar she ate. They reached the park once again Quartet Night and Starish spotted both of them running.

Ren: Syo, do you have the spare glasses?

Syo: You bet!!!!!!! Let's go!!!!!

Reiji, Ran-Ran, Ai, and Camus ran in front of Haruka chibi making sure she saw them. When she saw them she was so happy that she jumps on Camus wanted him to hug her.

Camus: Little girl why are you so hyper? What did that idiot give you?

Haruka chibi: Natsuki bought me a lot of sweets Camus. It was yummy!!!!!!!

Camus smirks that Satsuki gave Haruka chibi a lot sweets being this small. She jumps off out Camus' arms running around. As for Satsuki that saw Quartet Night run after Haruka chibi, he couldn't help but laugh so hard. Because Satsuki was to busy laughing at them he didn't notice Syo coming behind him and place the glasses back on Satsuki. After a few seconds Natsuki looks around seeing Haruka chibi running away from Quartet Night.

Natsuki: Why is Haru-chan running away from them?

Everyone just fell to the ground after what he said.

Cecil: How about we super glue the glasses on his face next time?

After 1 hour Camus finally caught Haruka chibi.

Camus: That's it little girl no more sweet for you for a while.

Reiji: That's right Haru-chan you had too much today. Let's go home.

Haruka: H*ll yea!!!!!! Okay.

Quartet Night froze to stone after what Haruka chibi just said.... Then they looked at Natsuki not too happy at him at the moment.

Ran-Ran: Haruka don't ever say that word again. It's not a nice word to understood?

Haruka chibi didn't actually understand.

Haruka chibi: But Natsuki said it when he was happy about something.

Camus: Well that fool is a just an idiot little girl. Next time you say it you'll be in trouble.

Haruka chibi had a pale face on her after what Camus said and shook her head okay.

Reiji: Good, Haru-chan lets go home. It's getting late now.

Reiji takes Haruka chibi from Camus held her in his arms. No matter what Reiji will always love her and hoping she'll go back to the old self soon. Once they all made it back home Haruka chibi was passed out on Reiji's arms. He couldn't help but smile at her when she does that.

Ran-Ran: Looks like all the sugar is finally out of her system thank goodness. Who knew Haruka this small will be this way, however it doesn't matter what happens we will always be there for her.

Ai: That's right. Let's go put Haru-chan to sleep.

Reiji takes Haruka chibi into her bedroom placing her in her bed. Putting the covers over her patting her head smiling than leaves not closing the door to much so they can hear her.

(Haruka chibi goes to Starish and Quartet Night concert)

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