1: My Life

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My life didn't start out as most people would think it did. Yes, I was birthed by a mother, but... by a mother that didn't want me. Like me, she thought I was a mistake. She took her liberties for granted and messed up. Luckily for her, she could just send me away. Unluckily for me... I grew up lost in my own world. 

My first foster family was a wild ride. They already had 5 kids but wanted another little girl, so I was adopted into the family of the Thomsons. You may have already guessed, but that didn't last long. 

When I was 3 I was taken into the Carson family. They had one older boy and I was apparently their miracle. They wanted a second child so bad, they risked everything they had to get me. They told little 4-year-old Marcus on his birthday that he was going to be a big brother. I hear stories of that day too often from mom. She cries every time she talks about the first time she saw my little body in that pink dress. She has about a million pictures from that day, so I feel like I can remember it clearly too. Although I love this family with all my heart and would literally do anything for them... I can't help but feel out of place. I feel like a weed coiling around a beautiful rose blossom. This rose has 3 blooms and they're stretching towards the sun, but the weed is suffocating its life and keeping it down on earth. If I'm being honest, I feel like that with everyone around me. Guess that's just the way I think.

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I stretch my cramped arms above my head and arch my back while doing so. I hear cracks and pops and my eyes widen. Oh God, I hope I didn't break anything. I look down at the empty screen and roll my eyes. "Don't give me that look." I frown. The screen flickers and then goes black. I close my eyes and take in a long breath. I set my laptop to the side and flop down on my bed. I put my arm over my eyes and let my other one fall to the side.

"Writer's block got your tongue?" I slowly peel my arm away from my eyes and find my older brother leaning up against the doorframe. I roll my eyes and pull my arm back to my eyes. I hear him sigh. "Listen, I can help." He starts, but I grunt. 

"Don't you even dare try to say I could always write about unicorns." I hold up my limp hand with an angry finger pointing in his general direction. 

"Hey, I'm sorry you don't appreciate true art." He mumbles. I grumble and sit up quickly in my bed. Marcus has moved into my room and shut the door. "You doing okay?" He asks. I raise a brow and look at him. "I'm just asking." He puts his hands up in defense. I raise my other brow. I study Marcus' blonde tuft of hair on top of his head. It was unkempt and my OCD wanted to grab the comb that lay forlorn in the bathroom and run it vigorously through his hair. His emerald eyes look back at me with his dark brows furrowed. 

"Do you know how to clean yourself?" I ask with a sneer. Marcus' concerned face turns into one of utter betrayal. 

"Wow, way to go with the top 10 anime betrayals." He puts his hand on his heart and starts to fall to the ground. 

"You know I will literally not care if you fall and hit your head." I quirk a brow and watch him slowly straighten his back. He glares at me. 

"Okay ice queen." He shakes his head and walks towards my bed. His muscled body flexes slightly as he flops down next to me. 

"Who said you could put your dirty body on my bed?" I growl. Marcus laughs and my pretend anger breaks. 

"You're an idiot." He chuckles. Yeah... I know. 

"Yeah, well you're a jerk." I huff. 

"Ahh, she dishes it back." Marcus gasps. I roll my eyes and shove him. 

"Don't get too cocky or I'll push you off this bed," I warn. Marcus rolls his eyes. 

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, Liam is coming over." Marcus sits up and I feel his eyes watch me. Liam was Marcus' best friend of 11 years. 

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