3: Our Life

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I met Liam when I was 5. Marcus was 6 and I had only been with the Carson family for 2 years. I was still getting used to having people who actually cared about me. I fondly remember Liam chasing Marcus around the yard and me watching from the second story window. I put my little hand against the cold glass and longingly watched them play tag. I wanted to go out there but I was too frightened. I didn't want Marcus to feel like he had to play with me. I didn't want to be a burden. My fear broke the neck of my happiness, shoved it in a box, and buried it deep within me. 

Age 8. I was awkwardly trying to run and keep up with my group, but they were too fast for me. It was apparent I couldn't keep up with anyone. My breath was coming out in labored gasps and I could feel my lungs crying out for help. 

"Hey there Mable." My eyes lift and find Liam running next to me. My whole body freezes up. 

"W-w-what are you doing here?" I question. Liam looks to his side and chuckles. 

"Well," He pauses and looks back to me. "I guess I just wanted to keep you company." I feel my face erupt with the fury of my feelings. Oh, God. I suck in a breath and release it almost as quickly.  Liam looks at me as if to ask if I'm okay. I smile and shrug it off. 

"So, uh... I didn't know you knew my name." I blurt. Stupid! Stupid! What are you saying? You idiot...

"Of course I know your name. You're my friend." Liam replies. I stop jogging and slow down to a walk. 

"W-what? We're friends? Since when?" I ask. Liam slows down and laughs. He puts his hand on his chest. 

"Jeez, try not to be so harsh." He nudges me and I giggle. This is the moment I knew he'd be in my heart forever.

Age 13. A group of girls gathers around Liam. His lips are turned downward in a frown and I tilt my head as I pass him. I hug my belongings closer to my chest and try to pass by as quickly as I can. "May?" I freeze. No, no, no, no. I turn slowly and find Liam staring at me. His lips are now curved upwards in a smile. My eyes widen as he walks straight up to me, disregarding all the beautiful girls around him. My breath stutters and I slowly meet his gaze. "Want me to walk you to class?" He inquires with a huge grin. I shake my head. 

"No, that's okay. Take one of these girls." I gesture to the group that is intensely watching my every move. Liam shakes his head this time. 

"But I don't know them. I know you." He complains. I smile and reach up to his shoulder. 

"Be a big boy and make a move. They all obviously want a piece." I glance at the group. "And... you should be flattered." I trail. Liam brushes my hand off his shoulder. This brings my attention back to him. His eyes look painful and I feel a sting go off in my heart. 

"But I don't want any of them." He breathes. I sigh and turn on my heel. 

"Yes, you do. They fit you. They're beautiful. Pick one and go with it." I glance over my shoulder. "It's like picking names out of a hat," I whisper. Liam reaches out a hand towards me, but I turn back around and start walking away. 

He started dating Bridgit Anderson. I think her initials with his are still in the girls' bathroom. She was amongst the crowd he belonged in. He would often bring her over to our house and make out with her as much as he possibly could. They lasted for about 6 months. 

Age 17. Liam hasn't dated anyone for about 3 years and I could tell he was getting cabin fever. He was over at our house and talking to Marc about it. "So what do you mean?" Marcus teases. 

"No one feels right to me. There's only her... I can't get her out of my mind and I seriously think I'm way out of her league. She's too gorgeous for me. I can't take it. I just wish I could buck it up and ask her out." Liam sighs. Ahh, so he has a crush. Great. Way to go insecurities, you're the reason you can't get a man. I sigh and take a box of crackers out of the cabinet. I slam the box on the counter and grumble. 

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