8: Feelings

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"Do you remember the first time we met?" Jenna asks Mable. Grandma Mable puts her hand on her chin and then after a while, shakes her head. 

"No dearie, I'm not sure I do." Her old voice cracks slightly and Jenna smiles. 

"It was around the time Ben and I started dating." Jenna steals a glance at her boyfriend handing a coffee to a young girl. Mable nods enthusiastically. 

"Ah yes, I remember now. My grandson was so excited that he finally got you out on a date. He came running over to the market with the biggest grin on his face." Mable shakes her head and looks at her grandson. 

"I'm just ever so happy that I said yes. My life couldn't be better." Jenna looks from Ben down to her stomach. "If anything were to go wrong I don't know what I would do." Her smile drops, but she quickly puts up a smile again. "But I'm sure everything will stay perfect, just the way it is."

+     +     +     +     +

Monday Liam didn't talk to me all day long. When he came over to our house with Marcus, he didn't even bother to look at me. Tuesday wasn't much better. I would catch Liam stealing a glance at me, but it wasn't much more than that. Wednesday came around and Liam was starting to break slightly. I hadn't tried to talk to him and he wasn't really acknowledging me. I noticed that he started talking to Bridget a lot more. After school was our Drama Club meeting and believe it or not, I was one of the Vice Presidents. Liam was secretary. It was mandatory for us to be there considering we were part of the board. Also meant we had to sit next to each other according to the seating chart we had to make up due to the surplus of members. 

I briskly walk down the hall and turn into Mrs. Dawson's room. She looks up from her desk and smiles at me."Hello darling. You're here early." She grabs a stack of papers and hands them to me. "Be sure to look these over and get ready to talk about what's on them." I groan and she laughs lightly. "Hello." I glance over my shoulder. Someone else must have walked in because-

"Hello, Samantha." Liam bows his head and grins. "It's been far too long since we last spoke." Liam chuckles. Mrs. Dawson nods her head and hands Liam papers too. I grit my teeth and yank my chair out. They both glance at me. I daintily sit down in my seat and neatly stack the papers on my desk. 

"Right. Go ahead and get to work you two. The rest of the club members won't get here until 3:30." Mrs. Dawson smiles and then goes back to work. I peek at the clock. My eyes bulge. It just turned 2:53. Son of a-

Liam scoots his desk away from mine and then sits down. I furrow my brows. Okay ouch, no need to be rude. Mrs. Dawson looks up and tilts her head. "Mable dear, you wouldn't mind scooting in closer to Liam, would you? I need you two to converse about the papers." Mrs. Dawson smiles warmly. Damn it. I huff and scoot my desk over, but not my chair. She laughs lightly. "Now you." She gestures for me to scoot over. I sigh loudly and scoot so far over that I bump into Liam. Her smile widens. "Good, that's perfect. Thank you." She sings. Liam's leg brushes up against mine and I stiffen. I swear to God, if that happens again I will literally- Liam's arms are then around me. My eyes go wide. What the hell is happening? I look around and find that Liam is hugging me. 

"I can't do this anymore." He breathes in my ear. Eww, get that hot air from your head away from me. "I broke. Why did you have to break me?" I roll my eyes. 

"Okay, way to make yourself sound like some box labeled extremely fragile." Liam looks into my eyes.

"I'm only that way around you because I trust you, but then you go behind my back and talk about me. That hurt May." Liam explains. I shake my head. 

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