9: Blue? Bridget? What's With All the B's?

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"So it's been brought to my attention that we have an uneven amount of people here. So the new system is that we'll have one group of three and we'll pull numbers from a hat. May you're first." I raise my brows. Kat waves me over to the hat and I slowly stick my hand in. Oh jeez. I pull my hand out and look at the folded up slip of paper. I unfold it slowly and squeeze my eyes shut. I open them and find the number 3 written on the paper. Kat's eyes widen. "Oooo~ Our dear Bell has gotten the number 3, meaning that she's in the group of three." Kat sings. Oh great. That's just perfect. "Liam, you next." Kat smiles at me. I back away from the hat and watch as Liam briskly digs around in the hat and pulls out a slip of paper. I notice that he has his fingers crossed behind his back. He uncrosses them and unfolds the paper. His eyes widen and then a huge smile comes across his face. He turns to look at me and holds up the paper. He got a number 3 too. I hold up my hand and he comes over and high fives me. Kat smirks and raises a brow. I shake my head and gesture for her to call the next person. 

The groups ended up like this.

Louis and Daeshim, the hot ones.

Elias and Marcus, the sporty ones.

Oliver and Calum, the gay ones. 

And then there was 

Liam, Kat, and I, the dream team. Now to- wait... what exactly are we doing?

"Now! Let's go get some outfits for Friday night!" Kat yells and thrusts her fist into the air. My eyes widen. Shopping? For clothes? You mean those things that don't like to fit me. I drop to my knees. 

"Noooooooo-" Kat claps a hand over my mouth. She nods up and down slowly. 

"Yessssssssssssssssss." She corrects. I narrow my eyes. I then stick out my tongue and lick her hand. 

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I tap my foot against the floor impatiently. "Kat, come on, we haven't shopped for Liam or me yet." I groan. Liam sighs and bangs his head against my shoulder. 

"Why do girls have to take so long?" He looks into my eyes and man... he looks so pitiful. I reach my hand up and pet his cheek. 

"There there love, it'll be over soon enough." I smile. Liam shivers and stares at the ground. The dressing door swings open and Kat produces herself with grandeur. 

"Hello, my babies! It is I! The hot one!" Kat raises her hands and smiles widely. I arch my brows and smile. 

"Damn, you look hot," I whisper. Liam nods frantically. Kat has on a dark gray tank top that frames her curves and her boobs. I narrow my eyes. She's paired it with a red and dark blue plaid shirt around the waist. I nod in approval. She's wearing those rich people jeans with the holes in them, but she looks hella fine in them, so it's okay. It's also okay because she's... ya know... rich. And her shoes are black simple ankle boots. "You look really great." I tilt my head with a smile. Liam nods in agreement. 

"Yes yes, now can we please go shop for Bell now?" Liam asks impatiently. Kat rolls her eyes. 

"Yeah, let me pay. I want to see her all dolled up almost as much as you do." Kat shrugs and goes to change. Liam looks at me for a second and then looks away. He mumbles something under his breath. 

"What?" I inquire, wanting to know what he said. Liam flushes and looks at me. 

"O-oh, nothing. Nothing at all." He smiles and laughs nervously, grabbing the back of his neck. 

"Uh... huh." I furrow my brows and slowly look away from him. "It feels weird being in this... fancy shop." I blurt. It was true. Kat had brought us to a fancy store so that she could splurge on us, but to be honest I just wanted to go to Target or Walmart. Liam nods. 

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