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Bright light spills in from the blinds covering my window. My eyes open slightly, trying to get used to the light again after being asleep. I yawn, covering my mouth with the back of my hand, then sitting up. I survey the room. My laptop lays on the floor next to my bed, along with my phone. A still hot cup of coffee sits on my bedside table, graciously placed there by my amazing roommate, whos sitting on my bed beside me. It doesn't upset me, its common for her to come and lay in bed with me, waiting for me to get up and talk. She normally makes me coffee, and more often than not, it's still hot when I wake up. A morning-breathy taste fills my mouth and I reach for my caffeine-filled drink. I take a sip, the strong smell filling my nose and the heat warming my face. I finish my sip, turning to Ani. She's typing on her phone, presumably not noticed that I'm awake. It's like that somedays. "Morning, Ani!" I say, waving at her. She jumps a bit, then looks at me, "Hey! The boys are on their way here!" She says with a big smile. I'm a bit taken aback-

"Excuse me, what?" I ask, "You didn't wake me?" 

She shrugs, "Get dressed in something nice, snookums, Alex will be here." She shoots a wink at me and I roll my eyes. "You fucking say anything about my crush on him, and I WILL break both of your arms." She giggles, jumping off my bed, "A bit fisty are we this morning, eh?" I narrow my eyes, "Get out." She rushes out the door and I head to change.

(Outfit above)

I finish tying my hair up and walk to the door. "Oh, yes, Alex- She DOES have a crush on you." I stop dead in my tracks. Moments later, without thinking im running out my door, tackling Ani. 

"Theres- Hes not-" I stammer as I lay on top of her.

"Hi, Ands!" She says, kissing my cheek. I let my tense body rest against hers, "You fucking suck," I mutter. She chuckles, "Thanks, sis." I look up at her, sticking my tongue out at her, "Are we just gonna cuddle here until the boys arrive?" She shrugs, snaking her arms around my back, "We could." I close my eyes, "Sounds nice."


It feels like I'm waking up again, which wouldn't be incorrect. This time, Ani still asleep, but shes under me and we're on the floor. The boys are stretched out in our living room. Aksel's sprawled all over a white armchair to the right of the TV. Kwite's taking up the entire love seat, scratching Ani and I's dog behind the ears. Bradon lays across the coffee table on his back, head turned to the TV. His feet resting on Axel's chair. Henry sits on the floor, back against the coffee table. And finally, Alex, he's laying across out couch, our cat laying on his chest. I can hear her purring from across the room. I lift myself off Ani, who squirms a bit, then settles back asleep. I walk over, sitting on Alex's legs. He looks over at me and silently smiles, "Hi," He mouths. I smile back, "Hey," 

The cat gets up, stretching, then jumps down, walking over and hoping on to Brandon. "Hi, Coco," He whispers, petting her head. She licks his hand, then jumps down and bats at Henry's hair. I giggle, looking back at Alex who lets out a yawn. He opens his arms and makes grabby hands at me. I raise my eyebrows, "What?" I mouth. He frowns, "Come here," I slide up, laying my head on his chest. "Are you tired?" I whisper. He nods, playing with the hem of my sweater, "Yeah... The flight was stressful. Mainly because Brandon was visiting so he flew here with me... And it's Brandon." I chuckle, "Sucks to be you, Alexis." 

He rolls his eyes, "I'm fully aware, Miss. Andi King." He shoots me a wink and I feel my face heat up, although fortunately for me, he turns back to the TV just in time. "I think I'm gonna take a nap," He says, running his hand through my hair. "Do you want me to move?"

His arm becomes tighter on my back, and I assume that's a no. He closes his eyes and I admire what a pretty boy he is. His black hair is messy, almost like he just woke up. Is complexion is clear, perfect. His eyes, although closed now, remind me of dark brownstones at the bottom of a sparkly river. His lips look almost too kissable. I smile, thinking of my favorite memory with him. 

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