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I wake up the next morning alone in my bed. The spot on my floor where Alex would have slept is empty... The place in my heart where Alex always feels empty. My mouth is dry and tastes overwhelmingly like morning breath and I hate it. I check my phone. I have 3 texts from Micheal and one from Henry. I decide to open Micheal's first. 

Basically big brother:)

M: Hey!

M: You there?

M: I was wondering if you wanted to go get ice cream and talk about shit that brother and sister would, 

I sigh, not responding and clicking on Henry's contact, bracing myself for something horrendous. 

The bluest of danks

H: Hey, I know we're not on the best of terms, but just know, no matter how upset I am... You'll always be my best friend, Andi... I'll get over this crush of mine I promise. I just need my happy bestie back.

This one I feel like responding to. 

A: My room. Now.

Henry opens the door, then closes it behind him. "Andi, Hey," He smiles, coming to sit next to me. I scoot over a bit, so hes not falling off the bed, but I don't say anything. 

"You're my best friend, Andrew... And I think that's WHY I like you so much," His shoulder brushes against mine and I stare at my cork board. Pictures of me and Ani dangle there, hanging by thumbtacks. A picture of Henry and I is held in the corner, his arm slung around my shoulders and his head against mine. "You're my best friend too," I sigh, "And I want to help you get over me... I just dont know... HOW," I can feel tears burning my eyes and a lump in my throat. "I'll figure it out, but in the meantime, let's go get your man," He squeezes my knee then turns to get up. 


"You want him back... Dont you?"

"Well yeah-"

"THEN WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WAITING FOR?" He grabs my wrist and practically yanks me out of the house and shoves me in his car. "Why thank you," I state sarcastically, glaring at him as he starts the car,

"You're welcome, Andrew."

"Stop calling me that, Henry,"


He drives for a while then reaches a motel 8 and pulls out his phone. "Room 103. Good luck," He makes a shooing motion with my hands and I pull a confused look, "Uhm... Excuse me, huh?" "Go get yo man, I'll see you at the house," He says, shooing me again, but this time more stiffly. 

"I thought-"


I huff, "Fine," I unbuckle my seatbelt and throw open the door, strutting out. I'm still in an oversized hoodie and old leggings, but I dont care. I play with loose hairs of my bun after I knock on the door. Alex opens the door, takes one look at me and tries to close it again, but I put my sweaty palm out to stop it. He grunts as I force it open against his will. "What the fuck, Andi?" He asks as I close the door behind me. "Henry took me to see you..."



"Go away-"


"Leave me-"

I cut him off by pressing my lips against his. When we break apart, he suddenly seems fine. 

"Listen to me?" I ask and he softly nods, sitting on the edge of the bed and patting next to him. 

"I don't know what happened yesterday fully, but I need it to end... Because I need you in my life... and... It fucking sucks being without you, so please, Alex... Forget about Yesterday."

This time he kisses me, pulling me onto his lap, "I forgive you," He whispers. We sit there smiling at each other for a while before he pulls out his phone and starts playing "Somebody That I Used To Know". He kisses me, but for a really long time. Longer than the others. He rubs my back, and when he pulls away he looks at me with this weird look in his eyes and whispers,

"I want to be with you forever,"

But I dont know 




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