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"I...I...Y- Al-" He sputters, tears slightly clouding his eyes. I purse my lips together, "Henny," He shakes his head, "How long has this," He stops midsentence. "Almost a year," I squeak out. He runs both hands through his hair taking a step back, "One year- One year... One year of thinking maybe you liked me back- One year of mindlessly flirting. I tried to kiss you on New Years, you know?" He stops for a second, taking a breath. "You just disappeared into your room, though... And I know why now... I know why you cuddled with HIM AND NOT ME- WHY HIM- WHY NOT ME-" He yells. 

He's having a mental breakdown, and I dont know what to do.

"I know why... He makes you happy, right?"

I nod.

He looks up at me and shrugs, "Then, I'm happy for you," He turns and starts to walk off. I don't stop him. I think I need space. Then I feel it. My body starts trembling and I know what's happening. I run into the record shop I'm in front of. The boy at the counter looks at me with a big smile, "Can I help you, miss?" I open my mouth, hoping words come out. They dont at first, then a "Bathroom," Squeezes out of my throat. He points to the corner and I rush over, running in and fumbling for the lock. I look in the mirror, running my hands through my hair. Tears run from my eyes, making it hard to see. I tug on my hair, trying to rip it out. I let a sobbing sound fall from my lips. My face is going red and little hairs are popping out under my grasp. I fall to the ground, hitting my head against the dirty tile. I reach back to check and see if I'm bleeding, which is a no- I'm not, although I wish I was. I can't stop shaking and crying. It feels like I'm never gonna. I just lost one of my best friends- Fuck-

I'm such a fucking fuck-

I fucking hate myself, 

I'm breathing deeply and my hearts rapid. There's a knock on the door and a soft, "Andi," Sounds out. I crawl to the door, unlocking it. It's Brandon. "Come here," He says and offers to hug me, so I do. "I thought you say you dont hold your homies when they cry," I make a dry attempt to joke with him. He chuckles, "No, I said, I hold my homies, I just don't ask what's wrong," 

I finally giggle and he lets go of me, "Do you want to talk about it?"

"First, what did you hear from Henry?"

"Alex and you are a thing... Alex kinda... almost kicked the shit out of Henry, but Kwite held him back... Alex was too unstable to come to see you and Kwite was the one keeping him chill, so he couldn't even though he wanted to. "Oh," I whisper, "Henry said all that?"

He nudges my shoulder, "You fucking idiot,"

"Oh suuure, I'm the idiot, Fatass."

He rolls his eyes, "We get it, I'm overweight. I like food, okay?" 

"Okay," I reply. "So, Andi... Are you okay?"

"Do I fucking- Wooow, you are a fucking idiot." 

He narrows his eyes, "Fuck you too."

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