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We all piled into the van, me pressed up against the window next Henry. I stare longly out of the window, silently wishing I was sitting next to Alexis instead. Not that I dont like Henry, I just want to lay my head on his shoulder and hold his hand, but whether I was next to him or not, that wouldn't happen anyways. Someone nudges my knee and I look over, Henry's eyes meeting mine. "You okay?" He whispers, looking at me with such a curious look. I smile weakly, "Yeah, Hen, I am." Henry gives me a smile back and rubs my knee, "Just let me know if you're ever not, okay?" I nod, slinging my arm over his shoulder, "Thanks," 

He shrugs, looking back ahead and moving his hand off my knee. I pull away from him, looking back at the window. 

"SIMPLICITY," Brandon yells, looking back at me from the front seat. I glare at him, "What?" He laughs a bit before continuing, "JOIN THE FUCKING CONVERSATION," "Shut up, fatty." He groans, "Andiiiiiiiii," I sigh, "What?" "Talk to us, pleasssssseeeee," I roll my eyes, "No," I turn back to the window, staring deeply at the scenery passing by. 

"We're HEEEREEEE!" Ani yells in a sing-song voice, pulling into a diner parking lot.

We all get out, heading into the restaurant, the door ringing as we walk in. I spot someone immediately, who seems to notice me too. Micheal, aka Slazo. He rushes towards me, wrapping his arms around me and swinging me around. Micheal's been like my brother since we met. "Hey, sis," He whispers, sitting me back down. "Hey," I whisper. He smiles, hugging Ani and doing that weird bro hug with everyone. Diesel and Hoover join us at the door, hugging everyone like Micheal just did. Quackity stands, looking angry in the corner. I furrow my brows, heading over to him and leaning into his ear, "You okay?" He doesn't say anything, just simply shrugs me off and starts following the group to a booth. I look at him, trying not to cry, "Yeah, no," I mutter. "GUYS, WE'LL BE RIGHT BACK!" I say, pulling Alex out onto the sidewalk harshly and hastily. "What?" He asks, crossing his arms. "What the fuck was that, Alex?"

"Oh, you didn't notice? How you ran into Micheals' arms? How you embraced him? How I didn't get that?"

"You're fucking pitiful, Alex, he's like my brother. Besides, I was ASLEEP when you came in. You were tired when I woke up. What the fuck do you want from me?"

"Oh, so now it's a bad thing to love my girlfriend to the point that I'm jealous? Is it wrong, Andi? Tell me its not wrong," He's crying, and I know I caused that. He has tears dripping down his gorgeous face, and I caused that. "Please dont cry," I whisper softly. "Too late," He practically mumbles, kicking the pavement. "I'm sorry, Alex, I... I'm sorry I didn't understand," 

He shakes his head, "No, Andi, Its fine-"

"It's not,"

"I love you,"

My breathe hitches in my throat and I grab his face, pressing my lips onto his. As soon as we break apart, we lean our foreheads together. "I love you too." He wraps his arms around me, "I'm sorry," His voice is soft and calm. I feel special. "Shut up, you cute nerd," I mumble, ruffling his hair. He smiles, pulling away from me. 

"You shut up," He retorts, letting his arms drop to his sides. I dry the remaining tears off his face and then glance at the door, "Tell the others I went for a walk, okay?" 

He nods, kissing my cheek, then heading back in. I walk down the sidewalk, taking in my surroundings. Ani and I both moved here- to L.A. when I turned 18. Its been a joy being here with her. I get to spend every day with my best friend. It's amazing. Rushing steps sound behind me and I dont think anything of it until a hand grabs my shoulder. It's Henry. I dont say anything and neither does he. All he does is stick his hands into the pockets of those stupid camo pants he bought. I notice his "Venus Kwite-trap" shirt has a fresh Ketchup stain on it. He sighs but doesn't say anything and neither do I.

"Hey, Ands?" His voice is quiet and shaky. 

"Yeah, Hen, what's up?"

"I- I like you..."

"Wait- Hm,"

He's staring at the ground intently, trying  not to meet my gaze, "It's okay, you dont have to like me back, I just thought you had the right to know..." I sigh, running a hand through my hair, "Henry... You're amazing, but," I take a deep breath then look into his eyes, finally admitting it to another human being, "I'm dating Alex..."

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