Chapter 1

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     Sungjae looked at his wristwatch to know the time.  He has been waiting for Changsub for almost an hour. There is still no sign of his eldest Hyung. 

     He transferred to  an empty seat near the entrance of the coffee shop so he could see clearly  the people who are entering and leaving.  He past the time by observing the people outside. After a few minutes, he decided to call his eldest brother if he would still meet him there.

     "Hyung?" he asked, once Changsub answered. "Are you coming?"

     "Yes. Wait for me." Changsub answered then ended the call.

     Sungjae waited. He waited patiently since he wants to make amends with his brother.   He glanced outside the window and realized that it is getting dark. It is late. He has been waiting for Changsub for almost three hours now. 

     It looks like his eldest hyung has no intention of showing up. That means that he is still mad at him.

     Sungjae felt sad. He misses his eldest brother terribly. Even if they always argue and annoy each other, he is still one of his best hyungs. The one that he looks up to the most. He just cannot take how Changsub would ignore him anymore.

     Taking his mobile phone out of his pocket, he dialed his Eomma's number. "Eomma!" Sungjae tried to keep the sadness out of his voice.

     "Sungjae-yah!" Minjoo answered.  "Where are you?" she asked suddenly. She could feel that Sungjae is depressed about something.  

     When Minjoo got the location, she immediately rushed out to fetch her youngest son.  She treated him dinner to make him feel better.

                                  ___ ___ ___

     Changsub just rounded the corner to the direction of the coffee shop when he sees his youngest brother and mother  leave the place and head to the direction of their car in the parking lot. He decided  against calling out to them and just watched as they drove off.

     He knows why his youngest brother wants to see him. And he knows that he is being childish and over-reacting with Sungjae's kissing scene with his girlfriend. It was just for drama. But still he is peeved off about it. And to talk about it is not what he wants to do at the moment. 

    Sungjae must think that he intentionally missed this one out. But today was a very busy day for him  with his band's rehearsals for an upcoming gig. He needed to make up for the mistake he did the last time and promised himself that it would never happen again.

      ____      ____     ____

     Changsub is already with Peniel in their room when Minjoo and Sungjae arrived.

     Sungjae 's heart feels heavy. He is more determined to talk it out with Changsub. He knocked against the door, ignoring the sign hanging against it that said: NO SUNGJAE ALLOWED.

    "Subie, Hyung." Sungjae called out.

     Peniel came to answer the door and went out so his two brothers can talk.

     Sungjae sees Changsub in bed, playing songs in his mobile phone. He did not notice Sungjae get in as he had his earphones on. He went near him and sat down beside him on the bed. 

     Changsub looked at Sungjae in surprise and took his earphones off.

    "I'm sorry, Hyung." Sungjae apologized then gave a hug to Changsub.

     "Ahhh!" Changsub patted his youngest brother's head gently, a smile escaping from his lips.  Just like his mother he could not resist Sungjae. "It's okay."

      ***   ***   ***

   Eunkwang ended his phone conversation with his father, Heechul. Minjoo has been going in and out of their bedroom, muttering. He walked to his wife to find out what is troubling her. He realized that it was still the BB Cream when he saw  the empty bottles his wife is holding in her hands.

     "Oh, my gosh, Hyung!" Ilhoon gasped as he walked in on Hyunsik at the  bathroom adjoining their room to Changsub and Peniel's room.   Hyunsik's face is covered with something white.  

     "I have decided to look good today." Hyunsik said to Ilhoon. He spread another generous amount of BB Cream  to his face. He noticed that dark spots are appearing lately.

     Ilhoon stifled his laugh, afraid that Hyunsik might get back at him

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     Ilhoon stifled his laugh, afraid that Hyunsik might get back at him. He quickly got out of the bathroom  before he could say anything else that he might later on regret. He accidentally bumped into his Eomma who is about to do some cleaning there. And in a few seconds, he could hear their mother shriek.

     In a while, Eunkwang came running inside  the boy's bathroom. "What? What's wrong?" he demanded. Minjoo is clutching her hands to her chest in fright. He looked around him and came face to face with Hyunsik.  He did not know if he should laugh or cry  about the whole scenario.  "BB cream." Eunkwang said to his wife. Now, the mystery of his wife's BB cream had been solved.

     Later during the night when they were both in their bedroom, Eunkwang approached Minjoo

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     Later during the night when they were both in their bedroom, Eunkwang approached Minjoo. "Honey," he started. "It's here." He handed the folder out to Minjoo. 

     Minjoo accepted the folder and scanned the documents inside. She could not hide her excitement.

     Eunkwang had given her a surprise early in the week.  Their anniversary is  in a few weeks and he wanted to do something special with her. It has been a while since they have traveled as a family since he and his kids are busy with their schedules.  Now, he planned a trip with her together with their sons for a few days to celebrate their anniversary and Hyunsik and Peniel's birthdays.

     They did not inform their kids about it so they could surprise them just like what Eunkwang did when he announced it out to her.  Minjoo is even feeling kind of guilty since Hyunsik's birthday was yesterday and she only had cake prepared for him.

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